Split-up of Syllabus for Class 8


S. No.

Chapter Name

Number Of Periods



Learning Outcomes

Suggestive Activities




Crop production



Students will be able to know and understand about the traditional methods of sowing, irrigation, harvesting etc. and can compare them with modern methods.

They will be able to identify crops, farm tools and implements They will also learn about the storage of grains at large scale in granaries

They are able to apply this knowledge in daily


1.  Collection of different types of seeds, their identification and classification according to rabi and kharif crop.

2.  To identify healthy seeds and the damaged ones.

3.  To grow seedlings with manure and fertiliser and observe and compare the difference in their growth.

4.  Sow some seeds in the soil and arrange to water them by drip irrigation. Observe them daily. (i) Do you think it can save water?

(ii) Note the changes in the seed.



Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc



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Practice link for online quiz of 20 questions and students can view their score as well after completion of tests.





Student will know about different types of microorganisms. 

Students will know and understand that all microbes are not harmful. 

They can correlate their usefulness. 

They will understand how microbes harm us and cause diseases.

1.  Take a few drops of water from a pond. Spread on a glass slide and observe through a microscope.

2.  Take ½ kg flour (atta or maida), add some sugar and mix with warm water. Add a small amount of yeast powder and knead to make a soft dough. What do you observe after two hours?

3.  List of common plant diseases caused by microorganisms, their mode of transmission and preventive measures in a tabular form.

4.  Collect the labels from the bottles of jams and jellies. Write down the list of contents printed on the labels.

5.  What is the causative microbe of COVID 19. Write its preventive measures and mode of Transmission

Collect the labels from the bottles of jams and jellies.

Write down the list of contents printed on the labels.

Visit a doctor. Find out why antibiotics should not be overused.

Prepared a short report.

Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc




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Synthetic fibres


May – June

Students will know about different types of synthetic fibres and plastics, their chemical nature, physical nature, and various uses.

They will be able to identify the synthetic fibres

They will also be aware about the environmental hazards caused by the excessive use of plastics.

They will be able to differentiate plastics based on ability to decompose

1. Discuss your opinion on the use of plastic with your family members and friends. Do you think its use can be avoided? Write your views. 2.Discuss about alternatives of plastics with peers(online discussion)

3.  Write slogans/ make posters to create an awareness about 5Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover and Refuse)

4.  Do an online survey of at least five families in your neighbourhood and enquire about the kind of clothes they use, the reason for their choice and advantages of using them in terms of cost, durability and maintenance. Make a short report and submit it to your teacher.



Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc



Metals and non metals



Students will be able to learn about physical and chemical properties of metals and nonmetals and can differentiate them on the basis of these properties.

They will also know the wide uses of metals and nonmetals everyday life.

Thy can also predict the suitability of given metal/non-metal for a specific task

1. Prepare Index Cards for any four metals and four non-metals. The card should have information like the name of metal/non-metal; its physical properties, chemical properties and its uses.

2.   Make a comic script on properties of metals and non-metals.

3.   To identify Metals and Non-metals in Acids and Bases

4.   Find out the locations of the deposits of iron, aluminium and zinc in India. Mark these in an outline map of India. In which form are the deposits found? Discuss in the class.

5.   Discuss with your parents/neighbours/goldsmi ths why gold is preferred for making jewellery.

CCT Practice Test




Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc




Coal and petroleum



Students will be able to differentiate between exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources.

They will know about the formation of coal and petroleum, refining of petroleum, various constituents of petroleum etc.

They will also be aware that coal and petroleum resources are limited and we should use them judiciously

1. Prepare a poster depicting types of natural resources (exhaustible and inexhaustible)

2.   Discuss the availability of resources and their utilisation by human beings.

3.   Narrate the story of coal either through text or pictorial presentation or audio piece and share in group. (Hint: The story should cover its formation and its useful products)

4.   Have Online discussion on the role of human beings in conservation of natural resources.

5.   Get an outline map of India. Mark the places in the map where coal, petroleum and natural gas are found. Show the places where petroleum refineries are situated.

6.   Choose any five families in your neighbourhood. Enquire whether their energy consumption (coal, gas, electricity, petrol, kerosene) has increased or decreased in the last five

years. Enquire also about the measures they adopt to conserve energy.

CCT Practice Test




For more information, visit: pcra.org


Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.




Combustion and flame



Students will be able to learn about the basic phenomena of combustion, different types of combustion, combustible and non combustible materials etc.

They will be cautious about some environmental issues caused due to burning of fuels and other materials like global warming , acid rain etc. They will understand the types of flame and their usage

1. Make a list of substances from your household which are combustible and non- combustible.

2 Burn a candle in front of you under the supervision of an elder and Listen to the audio at the given link. Try to observe various zones of a flame as explained in the song. candles flame— https://nroer.gov.in/55ab34 ff81fccb 4f1d806025/file/58da87614 72d4a51 b991673f

3.  Draw a labelled diagram of the structure of a flame.

4.  Make a model of fire extinguisher by using household substances.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc. 


Write an article on Judicious use of fossil fuels.



Conservation of Plants and Animals



Students will be able to learn about conservation of forest and wildlife by restoration of wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, biosphere reserves etc.

Students will be able to deduce the causes and effects of destruction of ecosystem and suggest ways to conserve it

They will also be aware about that we should save, reuse and recycle the paper to save the trees, energy and water so that plant and animal species would not face the danger of extinction

1.  List of protected areas for conservation of plants and animals i.e. national parks, sanctuaries etc in your district, state and country.

2.  Try to identify the flora and fauna of your area and list them.

3.  List of consequences of deforestation.

4. Plant at least five different plants in your locality during this academic year and ensure their maintenance till they grow.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.

Write about any 5 major wildlife sanctuaries briefly and paste the cuttings as well. 

Write about the GIR NATIONAL PARK and also paste the cuttings.


Cell- Structure and Functions



Students will come to know about the tools used to study the cell and also about sizes and shapes of cells that form the living world.

Students will be able to understand the various functional areas of a cell.

Comparison of plant and animal cells will be also learnt by the students.

1. To observe permanent slide of amoeba and paramecium under a microscope. Also draw its diagram.

2.   Observe Cells in an onion peel and cheek cell under microscope. Online link for above activities.

3. To observe unicellular and multicellular microorganisms etc. in water collected from different sources including drainage, lakes, ponds, tap etc. and draw their structures.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc. 




Reproduction In Animals


August and September

Students will be able to know and understand


2.modes of reproduction,

3.   various stages of formation and development of children in humans, iparous and oviparous animals etc.

1. List of viviparous and oviparous animals. 

2.Collect small eggs of harmless creatures. Ask the students to sketch the shape of the egg of each animal; compare their sizes and shapes; Note them down in observation books. Make a list of animals which lay eggs.

3. Observe permanent slides of hydra. Observe them using a hand lens or a microscope. Look out for any bulges from the parent body. Count the number of bulges that you see in different slides.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.





Reaching the age of adolescence



Students will be able to understand and relate with the onset of puberty and maturity of reproductive parts which brings various physical, mental , intellectual and emotional changes in the body.

They will also learn about the role of hormones in initiating reproductive function, nutritional needs of the adolescence, personal hygiene etc.

They will understand the changes taking place in their body

1. Tabulate the various changes separately for boys and girls which take place during Adolescence

2.   Collect the newspaper cuttings and information from magazines about harmful effects of drug addiction and then form a poster on this.

3.   Calculate average rate of growth of height of boys and girls with age.

4.   Preparation of charts or posters showing nutritious items of food which are required during adolescence.

CCT Practice Test




For more information visit: www.teenshealth.org 

Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc

Write a short note on how to maintain good health during adolescence.

Collect information from the magazines or from doctors and prepare a note on the importance of consuming iodised salt. You can also look for this information on the internet. https://bit.ly/36iGv20


Force and pressure



Students will know and understand about force , its types and impact of force on an object etc.

They will also learn about atmospheric pressure and its effect on our surroundings.

1.  Experiment showing pressure exerted by water at the bottom of a container and walls of the container( using a plastic bottle or glass tube.)

2.Activity to prove that force can change shape & state of any object .

3.Watch Clipping of famous experiment of seven horses by Otto Von Guericka. https://www.youtube.com/

watch?v= luIqVQT4QWs

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.




Write the applications of pressure in our daily life. Give atleast 10 examples.




October and November

Students will understand frictional force,

factors that friction, how friction is a necessary evil.

They will also learn how friction can be reduced or increased, role of lubricants, wheels etc to reduce friction.

They will be able to

apply knowledge in day to day activities

1.  List of some situations( imaginatory) that may occur when friction is suddenly vanished.

2.  Discussion among the students on the topic that friction is an evil or friend.

3.    2. Ask your sports teacher to show you different types of shoes used for different sports. Observe the sole of

different shoes and ask them why they are used in different sports.

4. Tie a string around a brick. Pull the brick with a spring balance. Apply some force. Note down the reading on the spring balance when the brick just begins to move. It gives you a measure of the force of friction between the surface of the brick and the floor.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc




Write a short note on FRICTION –A NECESSARY EVIL.





Students will understand and know about production of sound,

its propagation and various properties like amplitude, shrillness, loudness etc.

Students can identify if the sound is shrill or loud etc.

They will also learn that attempts should be made to minimize noise pollution as it may pose health problems in humans

1.  Activity showing vibration of different objects and production of sound from them.

2.  Activity showing that sound can travel through water, meter scale etc.

3.  Tabulation of loudness of sound produced by different sources.

4.  Tabulation of harms of noise pollution and measures to limit it.

5.  Survey of problem faced by people living nearby roadside in school surroundings 

6. Awareness campaign to tell people about measures to reduce noise pollution

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc


Make a video playing Jal Tarang at your home with seven bowls or cups.


Chemical effect of electric current



Students will understand and learn the passage of electric current through a conducting liquid causes chemical reactions.

They will also learn about electroplating, its significance, electroplated objects in our surroundings etc.

1. Activity showing testing of conduction of electricity in lemon juice or vinegar.

2.  List of good and poor conducting liquids of electricity.

List of electroplated items in our surroundings.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc



Natural phenomenon



Students about the cause of some natural phenomenon like earthquake, lightning etc. They will also learn about the protection and safety measures , taken by us during these such phenomena

1. Activity showing, like charges repel each other whereas unlike charges attract each other. 2.Activity with two charged balloon to show like charges repel each other

3. Activity with charged balloon and charged refill to show that unlike charges attract each other

4.   Construction of a simple electroscope.

5.   List of safety measures of lightning and earthquake.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.

Take a used pen refill and rub it vigorously with a piece of polythene. Bring it close to small pieces of paper. Take care not to touch the rubbed end of the refill with your hand or with a metallic object. Repeat the activity with small pieces of dry leaves,husk and mustard seeds. Record your observation.




December and January

Students will be able to understand the phenomenon of reflection of light and the types of reflection.

They will also learn structure of human eye, care of eyes and how the visually challenged persons can read and write

They will understand the importance of eye and donation of eye

1. Activity showing reflection of light an to study regular and diffused reflection by using regular

and irregular surfaces

2.To study the image formation by multiple reflection of light by using two mirror strips, protractor to measure angle, adhesive tape

3.  Making of a simple kaleidoscope.

4.  List of measures for caring for eyes.

5..Using a piece of paper and string show that the impression of an image persists for about 1/16 of a second on retina even after we have stopped seeing the Object.

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.

Write about the eye donation. And Brailles.



Stars and solar system



Students will be able to learn about different celestial objects, their position, movement etc. 

They will be able to identify constellations. 

They will also learn about the solar system, its members and their movement, constellations , meteors, meteorites etc.

1. Role play of different phases of moon and revolution and rotation of planets around the sun and moon around planets. 

2.Task to find constellation by locating pole star 3.Observing the day to day changes in night sky

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc. Draw the phases of the moon on A4 Size sheet and describe it briefly. Draw three tables and mention the planets name, natural satellites and artificial satellites name.

What is planetarium? Write in short about it citing one example of planetarium. You may paste a picture of the same.


Pollution of air and water



Students will understand the sources, causes and impact of water and air pollution. 

They will also learn about the effect of polluted air on Tajmahal and factors responsible for pollution of Ganga river.

They will also be aware that water and air are precious resources They will learn to conserve them.

1. Collect newspaper articles regarding air pollution and discuss the causes and effects in the class

2.   Discuss the ways by which you can help in controlling pollution

3.   To collect samples of water from a tap, pond, river, well, and lake .Pour each into separate glass containers . Compare these for smell, acidity and color.

4.   Collect data on the sources of drinking water and the methods of sewage disposal.

5. Study the Bhopal gas tragedy: (Example of Air pollution)

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Oral, Presentation, Worksheet, Hands on activities and quiz etc.


Draw two tables with all the air pollutants mentioned in one and sources of pollutants in it.



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