Split-up of Syllabus for Class 3




/ No. of periods

Name of the lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities












April /










Where to look from.










1.     Different views of things around us.

2.     Designs on dot grid.(Rangoli)

3.     Mirror halves.

4.     /Line of symmetry.






1.     Identifies different views of objects like Car, book, pencil etc.

2.     Is able to draw different designs/Rangolis on dot grid.

3.     Identifies mirror halves and is able to draw line of symmetry.




1.     Draws /pastes pictures to show different views(top/front/side/back)

2.     Prepares mask of animals using concept of symmetry. (Art integrated learning)

3.     Draws line of symmetry for different shapes /alphabet/ numbers and shows mirror halves.

4.     Draws different patterns on dot grid.



/ No. of periods

Name of the lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities


April /7

May – June / 4

Fun with numbers.

1.     Concept of century.

2.     Reading and writing number names of 3-digit numbers.

3.     Jumping of Numbers (Forward & Backward)

4.     Expanded Form.


1.     Able to read and write 3-digit number upto 999.

2.     Forms 3-digit numbers using any 3 given digits.

3.     Able to identifies the correct number in the given sequence

4.     Writes expanded form for given number.


1.     How many more/less for making century. \

2.     Forms 3-digit numbers using 3 digits with repeating and without repeating digits.

3.     Collect information regarding  runs scored by Sunrisers Hyderabad team in recent IPL matches.

4.     Writes expanded form for the given numbers given by the teacher in the form of activity sheet.

Art integrated learning

1.  Prepare a Model of a snake and write numbers in the jump of 10.


S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme : Plants





5 periods.

1. Plants around us.


2. Types of plants

3. Trees with thick trunk and thin trunk.

4. Leaves shape, size , margin and texture.

5.Leaves that have smell.

7. 6. Objects having patterns of leaves and flowers.

8.  Plants which the child has seen and not seen.

9.  Uses of leaves in the diet.

10.       Uses of dried leaves.

11.       Explore the need of Trees.

1. Observes and name the different types of Plants.

2. Classifies plants into Herb, Shrub, Tree, Climber and Creeper.

3. Classifies and name the trees with thick trunk and thin trunk.

4. Describes the size, shape, margin, texture of the leaves.

5. Identifies the plants basing on the aroma of the leaves and colour of the leaves.

7.  6. Identifies the objects which have the patterns of leaves and flowers.

8.  Classifies the plants and trees which they have seen and not seen

9.  Discuss the uses and benefits of plants in the diet.

10.      Explains the uses of leaves.

11.      Discovers the use of Dried leaves for making compost, greeting cards, plates, decorative articles etc.

12.      Infer and interpret the importance of trees .

1. Nature walk around their house observe the plants keenly and name them.

2. Through PPT ,Net pictures , Videos watch the different types of plants

3. Through PPT, Net pictures, watch and Name the trees with thick, thin trunk.

4. Activity by doing with real leaves: Classify the leaves basing on their size, shape, margin, texture and name them.

5. Activity by doing: Name the leaves which are identified by the smell of the leaves.

6. Survey : Teacher shows & Students observe the articles in their house with patterns of leaves and flowers and name them.

7. Through pictures name the trees seen and not seen.

8. Through pictures discuss the uses of leaves in various ways for food, for making medicine, oils, and cosmetics in our daily life.

AAC Activity

1. Writing the uses of leaves in various ways

  • Food , Medicine
  • Oils , cosmetics
  • compost pit -manure
  • making plates

2. Speak about uses of trees. 

Art Integrated Learning

1. Rubbings of different leaves and tree trunks of different plants.

2. Making pictures of different animals using leaves.

AAC Activity

1. Make a Greeting Card or any decorative article using dry leaves.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme : Water





5 periods.

1.    Different sources of water.

2.    (Natural, Artificial )

3.    Activities done with water& without water.

4.   Uses of water

5.    Properties of water& importance.

6.    Hands on Activity Different forms of water. (Solid, Liquid ,Gas)

7.    Storage of water

8.    Rivers.

9.    Reuse of water in different ways according to need.

1.    Identifies the different sources of water.

2.    Compares and distinguishes the activities done with water and without water.

3.    Express the uses of water.

4.   Elaborates the properties of water.

5.    Explains the three forms of water.

6.    Identifies the utensils used for storage of water.

7.    Recognizes the rivers flowing in their town& State.

8.    Analyzes the problems faced due to scarcity of water.

1.    Read the text book and underline the water sources mentioned, Through PPT, Net pictures, Videos watch the different sources of water.

2.    Through Role play , pictures differentiate the activities done with and without water .

3.    Through pictures and class activities discuss the uses of water.

4.   Learn by doing : Teacher shows and guides students to take water, touch, feel, taste, put in different vessels to observe shape.

5.    Put water in a Refrigerator recognize formation of ice ,

6.    .Heat ice observes change into water, water vapour. (under guidance of parents )

7.    Discuss about the ways how water is stored in their house.

8.    Discussion on the rivers in their town.

9.    Reuse of water

Art Integrated Learning

1. Writing of slogans to save water.

2. Drawing the pictures of containers and sources of water.

AAC Activity

1. Listing the problems faced due to scarcity of water.

Toy Integrated Learning

1. Making a bird bath to provide water to birds during  summer .

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities




Theme : Family and friends


Our First School

(5 periods.)

1.    Family and their relationships.

2.    Observation and comparison among the family members.

3.    Different types of families.

4.   Culture, customs and traditions in their houses.

5.    Interpret the importance of a happy home.

6.    Family provides the basic needs.

1.    Describes the Family members and their relation.

2.    Identifies the resemblances & differences among members of the family.

3.    Discuss and classifies the different types of families .

4.   Explores and express the customs and traditions followed by the family members

5.    Describes the difference between a house &home.

6.    Infers that family plays a very important role in our life.

7.    Discovers that Family provides the basic needs of love, food, shelter, clothing, companionship &protection..

1.    Discussion about the members living in their house, their names and their relation.

2.    During discussion students express whom they resemble, their features, behaviour, movements etc. and how these characters are acquired.

3.    ThroughRole play, pictures PPT, watch the different works done in a house by different people.

4.   3 . Through PPT, Net pictures, Videos recognise the different types of families.

5.    Through pictures and class activities discuss the customs traditions followed during festivals and in daily life.

1.    Through pictures and classroom interactions learn the difference between a house &home.

6.    6.Learn about the importance of a family and a happy home.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Paste pictures of your family members and mention the work done in your house.

2.    Draw or Paste pictures of festivals /customs you celebrate.

AAC Activity

1.    Draw a family tree , Paste pictures of your family members & write their names.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme : Shelter




(5 periods.)

1.      Different types of Houses.

2.      Comparing different houses.

3.      Different parts of houses.

4.      Cleanliness of house

5.      Disposal of garbage.

6.      Animals living in our house.

7.      Decoration of houses on festival & Functions days.

1.      Identifies the Basic need of house.

2.      Describes the different parts of a home and their uses.

3.      Analyses the different steps in the cleanliness of a house.

4.      Lists the ways of Disposal of garbage.

5.      Explores and explains about the uninvited animals in the house.

6.      Express the different ways and materials used in the Decoration of house. .

7.      Recognizes shelter is a need rather than a want.

8.      Suggests some ways how to keep their house neat and clean.

1.      During classroom interaction PPT, pictures, Videos

2.      List the List the different types of Houses.

3.      Discuss and name the different rooms in a house.

4.      Through pictures and word cards sort & name the different steps in cleaning a house.

5.      Lists the way of putting dry waste in one and wet kitchen waste in other dustbins

6.      Survey: Students go around their house and name the animals found in their house.

7.      Activity: Observing the pictures, PPT list out the different materials used for decorating their house during festivals and parties.

Toy Integrated Learning

Make a model of house.

Art Integrated Learning

Draw a picture how you decorate your house on festival day.

AAC Activity

1.      Collect pictures of different houses from newspaper.

2.      Talk about good and clean house.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities






Theme : Food




5 periods.

1.  Food items eaten.

2.  Different types of food items got from plants, animals.

3.  Food items eaten according to age.

4.  Food items made from Cereals.

5.  Food eaten in different parts of India.

6.  Importance of food and not to waste it.

1.    Lists out the food items eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner


2.    Identifies different types of food items we eat.

3.    Express the food eaten by infants young and old.

4.      Analyses food items made from different cereals.

5.    Explores & describes the Staple food of different states.

6.      Discussion on importance of food and not to waste it.

7.      Suggests the ways to provide food to all during this Covid Pandemic.

1.    Discussion on the food eaten during breakfast and naming them.

2.   Watch the different types of food items eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner on PPT.

3.   Through real objects, PPT, pictures, name the food products got from plants and animals.

4.     Discussion on food eaten of different age levels infants, young, adults, old.

5.   Survey :Name the food items prepared from Rice, Wheat.

AAC Activity

1.    Survey: During class interaction with PPT, Students infer the food eaten by people in different states.

2.   Listing the importance of food.

Toy Integrated Learning

1.    Collection of cereals and pulses.

AAC Activity Find

1.    out the recipes to prepare two to three items.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities




Theme: Family & Friends, Animals





1.  Children with disability (Differently abled people).

2.  Different expressions of people and animals.

3.  Sense organs and their functions.

4.   Actions and Expressions of differently abled people use to communicate.

1.  Shows sensitivity for plants, animals, the elderly, differently abled and diverse family set ups in surroundings.

2.Identifies the expressions and feeling of the people

3.  Recognizes and Identifies the sense organs and its functions.

4.   Identifies simple facial expressions.

1.  Students observe DIFFERENTIALLY ABLED PEOPLE through PPT , Video and then

2.  Name of the disability through pictures.

3.  Students present the actions, mudras and bhavs of the above people to understand them.

4.  Students watch the visual of the different facial expressions such as sad, happy, angry, depressed, surprised, etc., and then present through dumb charade activity.

5.  Students role play a 1 minute Story in pairs without speaking.

Art Integrated Learning

Draw any two facial expressions.

AAC Activity

Learn some dance MUDRAS , take atleast 3 pictures and paste in EVS activity book.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme: Family & Friends, Animals





4 Periods

1.  Exploring the immediate Surrounding to note various Birds.

2.  Birds and their habitat as water, trees, ground etc.

3.  .Food habits of the birds

4.  Types of beaks 5.Size of the birds.

1.  Acquires the names of different birds in the immediate surroundings.

2.  Identifies the simple features of birds and Express the movement of the birds and places where they live

3 . Explores the eating habits of different types of birds.Recognizes the sounds of birds in the immediate surroundings and name them.

4. Describe the beaks of the birds according to their food habits

5.  Compares the birds and identify the size and sort them.

1.    Explore the immediate Surrounding, Students name few birds that they have seen, and then name other birds through PPT.

2.    Through pictures, children describe the birds.

3.    Children sort the birds that eat grains, fish, flesh etc.

4.    Students name the birds that have long neck, pointed beak, curved beak.

5.    Students arrange the given birds basing on size from smallest to biggest.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw the pictures of pictures of any two birds.

Toy Integrated Learning

1.    Making model of bird using paper, cardboard,

AAC Activity

1.    Collect the feathers of available birds and paste in EVS activity book.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme: Family & Friends, Animals






4 Periods

1.  Different seasons.

2.  Changes in the surrounding as per the season.

3. Water sources . 4.Water cycle

5.  Saving water ,Water is life.

6. Importance of water.

1. Describes need of water for people of different age groups, animals/birds.

2.  Estimates the availability of water, and use of water at home and surroundings.

3.  Identifies the different water bodies.

4.  Discuss about rain, water cycle and rainbow.

5.  Suggests ways to manage water and avoid the problems faced in Summer season.

5. Creates simple activities for demonstrating water cycle.

6. Expresses the importance of water in In day to day life.

1.  Students observe PPT, Video on sources of water and through pictures sort and name the activities done with water.

2.  Students name the different sources of water and draw the pictures.

3.   Through visual of a RAINBOW Children learn the colours of a


4.  Through PPT, pictures discuss about clouds and water cycle.

5.Discuss how and where animals and birds get drinking water.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw picture of rainy season and rainbow.


1. Draw water cycle and write five sentences

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities




Theme: Family & Friends-

Relationshi ps





4 Periods

1.  Different types of utensils used in cooking.

2.  Different fuels used for cooking.

3.  Methods of cooking.

4.  To discover food value

1.  Identifies the materials used to make utensils.

2.  Explores the different types of fuels used for cooking.

3.   Distinguishes the different methods of cooking, which is the best from the health point of an individual.

4.  Express the nutritive value of the food.

5.  Describe the importance of eating raw and boiled food than roasting.

6.  Ensures that every grain is of very important value to us as a drop of water.

1.  Students observe PPT, and sort the utensils and name them and the material used in making them.

2.  Through PPT children name the different types of stoves LPG stove, Oven, Kerosene stove, Biogas plant, Stove with sticks etc.

3.  Students identify the different ways of cooking like boiling, roasting, steaming, baking etc.

4.  Students discuss the preparation of Salads.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw picture of rainy season and rainbow.

Toy Integrated Learning

1.    Prepare some model of Utensils with clay

AAC Activity

1.    Prepare a fruit chart to learn the food value.

2.  Draw or collect pictures of animals which can fly other than birds.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme: Travel





6 Periods

1.  Different types Vehicles.

2.   Vehicles used in air, on water and land.

3.  Classifying the Vehicles as per

number of wheels.

4.  Classifying the Vehicles basing on

the fuel used.

5.  Vehicles used for Emergency purpose.

1.  Identifies the different modes of transport according to distance.

2.  Differentiates the mode of transport in earlier days, at present and in future.

3.  Classifies the Vehicles on the number of wheels and fuel used.

4.  Explains the vehicles used in emergency services.

5.  Infers the importance of wheel, Vehicles.

1.  Students watch PPT and name the ways and means of Transport. Roadways, Airways, Waterways.

2.Discuss the Vehicles used in past and at present.

3.Name the vehicles with two, three, four and six wheels.

4.  Students match the vehicles which are used for Emergency. Word card and the picture, Such as tricycle, ambulance, fire engine, postal van, pushing cart.

5.  Students group the vehicles according to the fuel used after watching video and PPT.

6.  Classify the vehicles based on the number of wheels through PPT.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw and color the pictures of vehicles.

Toy Integrated Learning

Make models of vehicles.

AAC Activity

1. Speak about Emergency Vehicles .

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities




Theme: Family & Friends- Animals





1.  Occupations of different people around us.

2.  People and places of work.

3.  School going children and children at work.

4.  Work done by different family members.

5. Child Labour.

1.  Explores about different people doing different types of work.

2.  Identifies the sharing of work at home.

3.  Develops awareness about the rights of the children.

4.  Explains about people and place of work.

5.  Differentiates the work done by the members in a family.

6.  Examines and tabulate the working time and leisure time of different people.

7.   Defines how different people help us in our daily life.

8.  Differentiates school going children and children at work.

1.  Students speak about their parent’s occupation and what they want to become.


2.  Students match the picture card, word card of Occupations and how they help us in maintaining Health and Safety.


3.  Watch a video on child labour and discuss the ways of our Government is striving to abolish it forever.

4.  Short talk on the topics:

School going children

and Children who go for work.

5.  Discussion on difficulties faced by people without jobs.

Art Integrated Learning

1.  Draw 3 pictures of public places and write 3 sentences about them.

AAC Activity

1.  Speak with your near and dear and note the working time and Leisure time of different people.

2.  Write five sentences about Child’s Rights and Protection.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities





Theme :



UNIT- 13 

Sharing our feelings


5 periods.

1.  Importance of Sense organs.

2.  Different types of disabilities of a person. Blind, Deaf, Dumb, Lame.

3.  Ways to overcome

the disabilities.

4.  Braille Script

5. Occupations

4. Great Achievements of physically disabled people in their life.

Ex .Helen Killer.

1.    Identifies the five Sense organs.

2.    Observes and recognizes the qualities possessed by physically disabled people.

3.      Identifies the disabilities of people.

4.      Analyses the problems of physically disabled people in their life and ways to overcome them.

5.      Describes about Braille script and its uses.

6.    Classifies the different types of disability and the difficulties faced.

7.      Classifies thedifferent occupations of people.

8.      Discuss about the people who were physically disabled but achieved great success in life.

1.      Name the Sense organs and its functions

2.      Watch PPT, Net pictures, Videos of physically disabled people.

3.      List the disability.

4.      Discuss and List how Challenged people solve their problem.

5.      Through Role play, pictures name the different Occupations.


1. List the Problems faced by deaf ,dumb ,lame and blind .

AAC Activity

1.Making working model of Braille script.

2 .Make survey on problems faced by old People.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities




Theme : FOOD

UNIT- 14





5 periods.

1.       Comparison of Two Families.

2.       Role played by parents, family members in daily activities like cooking, cleaning, buying vegetables etc.

3.       Way of Living .

4.       Food from plants Fruits ,Vegetables Cereals, Pulses, medicines.

5.       Root ,Stem, Leaf and Flower Vegetables .

6.       Food from Animals Honey, fish, milk, eggs Meat.

7.       6. Medicinal and nutritive value of food & how it protect us.

1.       Compares two families and the express how they share their work.

2.       Identifies the role played by parents, family members in daily activities like cooking, washing, cleaning, buying vegetables etc.

3.       Describes different eating practices followed in the family.

4.       Describes different types of food.

5.       Classifies and differentiates between animal and plant products.

6.       To learn about different parts of plants eaten as food.

7.       Discovers the nutritive value of food items.

8.       Classifies the medicinal products used in our daily life.

1.      Through PPT,Net pictures, Videos watch the different types of families and how they share the work.

2.      Dramatize the way how they share the work in their house.

3.    List out the eating practice in their house.

4.      Activity Students sort the food items got from plants and animals.

5.      List the food items that are Flowers, Roots, stem, seeds and Leaves.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw any five vegetables that grow below the soil and above soil and write its nutritive value .


1.      Name some Medicinal plants and its use.

AAC Activity :

1.      Make models of any five fruits and vegetables with clay.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities





Theme :







4 periods.

1.      Types of Pots

2.      Materials needed to make a pot are Clay, Potter wheel water.

3.      Types of soil

4.      Pots made with stone , glass ,clay .

5.      Different steps in making a pot.

*.Digging clay from the clay pit

·         Drying and sieving the clay

*.making pot

*.drying the pot

*Drying the pot in the sun

*burning in a kiln

*Decorating pot with colours

6.      Uses of pots

7.      Other Materials made with clay.

8.      Problems faced by potters.



1.    Observes different types of pots in their surroundings.

2.   Identifies different materials used in making a pot.

3.   Classify the different types of soil

4.   Compares the pots made with clay, stone, glass.

5.   Describe the process of making pots .

6.   *. Identifies the need of burning pots in a Kiln

7.   Express the uses of pots in the past and at present days.

8.   Identifies various types

9.   of materials like dolls ,toys jars

10. ,cups Flower vase ,flower pots ,bowls decorative Articles made with clay

11.  Analyzing the difficulties faced by Potters.

1.      Discussion on Pot which students saw in their house.

2.      Through PPT, Net pictures,

3.      Videos watch the different materials used to make a pot.

4.   Watch the materials and name the types of soil.

5.   Through PPT, videos discusss the process of making a pot.

Art Integrated Learning

1.    Students draw pot with and decorate it.


AAC Activity

1.      Listing the problems faced by potters.

2.      Make dolls, toys jars, cups Flower vase, flower pots, bowls with clay.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities







(4 periods.)

1.    Traditional Games.

2.    Indoor Games

3.    Outdoor games

4.Games played with Ball Ex: Football ,Throw ball , Cricket ,Basketball etc.

5.  Rules and Benefits of Games.

6.  Sports Personalities.

9. National and International games

1.    Observes and names the different games they play.

2.    Classifies the games into indoor and outdoor games.

3.    Identifies the games which are played with ball.

4.    Discuss the rules to be followed in games.

5.     Analyzing the benefits of playing games which develops fitness of the body.

6.    Develops awareness in field of sports and games.

7.    Appreciate and speak about the talent, hard work of the sport personalities who won medals in National and International games.

8.    Describes the importance of team spirit.

1.  Discussion about the games the students play.

2.  Through pictures PPT, watch and discuss about games played inside the room and that played outside.

3.  Through activities and playing games learn the rules and benefits of games.

4 . Through PPT, Net pictures, Videos recognise the different types games played in National and International level.

5.  Through pictures learn about players who won medals.

Art Integrated Learning

Draw the pictures of any five indoor and outdoor games

AAC Activity

Collect the pictures of Sport personalities.

Toy Related Learning

Make the model of sport material like bat, ball with clay.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities









(5 periods.)

1. Letter as important means of Communication

2.   Different types of Communications.

3. Letters, Telephone, Television, Newspaper, Internet, Radio etc.

4 .Journey of Letter.

5.  Merits and demerits of Internets and mobiles.

6.Important Phone numbers used in Emergency.

7.  Home address and pin code and telephone number.

1.  Observes Letter as means of communication.

2.  Lists the different types of letters.

3.Identifies the different methods to communicate.

4.  Analyses the journey of a Letter from writing to reaching a letter.

5.  Explains the merits and demerits of Phones and internet.

6.  Learns about home address pin code and important Telephone number.

7.  Explains the oldest, cheapest , fastest and latest means of Communication.

8.  Analyzing the difficulties faced by people in olden days for Communication.

1.    During classroom interaction PPT, pictures, Videos List the different types of communications.

2.   Discuss and name the different types of Letters.

3.   Through pictures and word cards sort discuss the Journey of a Letter.

4.   Through activities learn to write a letter with address.

5.   Survey: Students collect the important Telephone numbers used in Emergency.

Art Integrated Learning:

1.  Draw the pictures of a Post box and 4 types of letters.

Toy integrated Learning

1.    Make the model a Postbox

AAC Activity

1. Collect different types of stamps.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities












5 periods.

1.  House as basic need.

2. Different types of Houses.

3. Pucca and Kuccha

*Hut, Igloo, Tent

*  Sloped roof house

* Multi storied House

* Bamboo house on poles

*  Boat House.

4.  Use of Sloped roof to make rain water and snow fall down easily without damaging the roof.

5.Problems of Homeless people and people living in Slums.

1. Observes and recognizes House as basic need.

2.    Identifies the diversity in houses.

3.    Explains the different types of Houses.

4.    Analyses the need for sloped roof in Hilly areas and Cold regions.

5.    Describes different types of houses built according to climatic condition in different states.

6.    Explains the material used for building the different types of houses.

7. Analyzing the difficulties faced by street children and homeless people

1.  Watch PPT, pictures discuss about need of a House.

2.  Discussion on the different types of houses.

3. Mention the uses of Sloped roofs.

4.  Discussion on change in the mode of houses according to Climate.

5.  Name the material used to build a Multi Storied House.

AAC Activity

1.      Survey: Name the different types of houses found in your town.


Art Integrated Learning

1.    Draw your favorite house .

Toy Integrated Learning :


1.    Prepare a model of a House.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities











5 periods

1.    Animals in the surroundings.

2.    Animals their food, shelter and behaviour.

3.    Uses of Animals.

*Animals that carry the load, give milk, eggs, meat, honey etc.

4.    Harmful Animals

5.Difficulties faced by Animals and birds.

1.    Observes different types of animals in their surroundings.

2.    Identifies the needs, food habits and

shelter of animals.

3.    Analyze the behaviour of animals.

4.    Explainsthe useful animals in our daily life.

5.       Describes about harmful animals

6.  Identifies the interdependence of animals, and living things.

7. Analyzing the difficulties faced by birds , animals during Summer and due to increase  in Population .

8.    Makes a Poster with Slogan on how to protect  Animals .

1.    Students observe different Animals in Nature through

PPT and Pictures.

2.    Discussion on the habitat of Animals their food habits through Pictures and videos.

3.    Role play on the behaviour of Animals.

4 Students watch the pictures and list out the uses of Animals.

4.  Discussion on harmful animals.

5.  Survey on care taken for animals.

AAC Activity

1.  Prepare a bird bath.

2.  List the care taken for animals in Zoo.

Art Integrated Learning

1.   Draw the pictures of farm, Wild ,Water and Desert Animals (any two )

Toy Integrated Learning

1.    Make some animals with Clay

2.    Make puppet show of animals.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities


January 12






4 Periods

1Availability of water in different places.

2.  Problems faced by people to get water.

3.  Uses of water.

4.Different ways to save

/Reuse of water.

5.  Water problem in Rajasthan.

6.  Methods of collecting rain water by making Tanka, Percolation pits etc.

7.  Mappointing.

8.         Slogan Writing on saving water.

1.    Observes and name the different sources of water

2.    Identifies the problems faced by people due to the scarcity of water.

3.      Describes the uses of water.

4.    Suggests different ways to save water and reuse of water.

5.     Discuss the problems faced in Rajasthan due to scarcity of water.

6.     Identifies the different ways of collecting water- Like Rain Harvesting by Tanka etc….

7.     Locate the states and places on Map which receives less rainfall.

8.     Makes Posters, Slogans on saving water.

1.    Students observe PPT , Videos and Net pictures on sources of Water and how people struggle to get water.

2.    Through pictures, children discuss the problems due to water scarcity.

3.    Discussion on uses of water.

4.    Students locate the states which receives less rainfall.

5.    Students discuss different ways of reuse of water.

Art Related Activity

1.    Draw, colour or paste the pictures related to people struggling to get drinking water.

2.    Make a model of Tanka using paper, cardboard.

AAC Activity

1.    Locate places which receive less rainfall on India map.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



Theme: Family & Friends.






4 Periods

1.  Different types of families.

2.  Family members in a family.

3.  Physical features among family members.

4.  Relationships in the family

5.   Importance of joint family.

6.  merits and demerits of different families.

1.    Identifies the different types of families in their surroundings.

2.     Describes the different members in their family.

3.    Explains the similarity and differences among the siblings/ twins in the family

4.     Analyzes the relationships in the family.

5.     Infers the importance of joint Family.

6.     Discuss the merits and demerits of different families.

7.    Suggests ways to develop good relations in families.

1.    Students observe PPT, Videos discuss different types of Families and members of the family.

2.    Students discuss similarity and differences among the siblings/twins in terms of physical traits .

5. Discuss the way they share work and enjoy the relationships in living together in a Joint family

4. Discuss the importance, traditions, culture followed in the different families.

Art Integrated Learning.

Prepare their Family tree paste the photos of their family members and write names.

AAC Activity

1. Collect the pictures of different types of families.

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities












4 Periods

1. Different Directions.


2 . Symbols and Landmarks.


3. Importance of Landmarks.

1.    Identifies the various directions.

2.     .Ensure the various directions and      concept of left, right

3.     Identifies the various Signs and Symbols.

4.     Explores and learn to locate a place using symbols and landmarks.

5.     Explains to travel to different places using simple route maps

6.    Express importance of landmarks to locate a place.

7.    Describes about direction in which sun rises and sets.

8. Analyzing difficulties faced by People during travel and how this Road map and signs help them .

1.    During Activities Students observe the pictures locate


2. Students locate the things on the Left side and Right side .

3. Through Pictures Students discuss about the signs

of thePark, hospital , Market

,Hotel ,shop, well ,Danger , Left turn, Right Turn etc.

6.    Students through activities learn to locate places.

Art Integrated Learning

Draw the different Signs and Symbols which they see on the road.

AAC Activity

Draw road map from your Home to home using different symbols.

Toy Integrated Learning

2. Prepare 3D models of Signs and Symbols .

S. No.

Month / Periods

Name of the Lesson

Key Concepts

Learning Outcomes

Suggested Activities



February 12


Theme: Things we make and






4 Periods

1.  Clothes as Basic need.

2.  Different types of Clothes worn by people.

3.   Different materials to make cloth.

*Natural fiber -Cotton, Silk, Wool.

*Artificial fiber – Nylon, Rayon, Polyester, Netted, Terelyene.

4.  Clothes worn according to season.

*Summer –Cotton

*Winter –Woollen

5.  Various Steps in making clothes .

6. Clothes are made on Machines and on Handlooms

1.     Observes and identifies the need of clothes.

2.     Identifies the type of clothes worn by men, women and children.

3.  Develops awareness about the different materials used in preparing clothes.

4. Explains about the source of materials used in making cloth.

5.  Identifies the change in clothing according to seasons.

6. Examines the various step involved in making clothes.

7.  Defines about various Handicrafts in making different types of clothes.

1.  Discussion on Need of clothes according to climate.

2.  Students observe PPT, Videos discuss different types of

clothes worn by people.

3. Students watch the different materials of cloth and

name them.

4. Watch videos and discuss the sources of cloth materials.

5.Discussion on Clothes worn according to season .

6. Through PPT discuss the process of making clothes.

Art Integrated Learning

1. Make a handkerchief with vegetable printing using the Turmeric, beetroot, extract from leaves and flowers etc.


1. Paper weaving.



February 12


Theme: Things we make and







4 Periods

1.    Living and Non-living things

2.    Animals in Nature.

3. Types of animals basing on food they eat. Herbivore, Carnivore ,Omnivore

4. Interdependence in nature

6.    Food Chain.

7.  Food Web

8.  Importance of interdependence in nature.

1.     Explains the living and nonliving components of nature.

2.     Observes and name the animals.

3.      Identifies the food eaten by animals.

4. Classifies the animals based on the food they eat.

5.  Identifies the dependence of organisms on each other.

6.  Identifies the food chain and food web.

7.  Examines how animals become prey to other in nature. (food web)

8.  Infers the importance of things and their interdependence in nature .

1.  Discussion on things in nature.

2.  Students observe PPT, Videos discuss about herbivores,

carnivores and omnivores.

3. Students watch the different Things and sort them into living and nonliving things.

3.  Watch videos and discuss how animals depend on each other.

4.  Through PPT discuss the process Food chain and food web.

Art Integrated Learning

1. Draw a web of things you need to live

2.Draw a food chain.


1. Collect pictures of plant eating and flesh eating animals and paste them in the scrapbook.

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