Split-up of Syllabus for Class 7
S No | Chapter Name | No of Periods | Month | Teaching Learning Outcome | Suggestive Activities | Resources | Assessment |
1. | Three Questions | 5 | April | 1. Student discusses, in pairs/ groups, excerpts, dialogues etc. and reads aloud in class. 2. Understands the story along with different sentence structures used in it. 3. Thinks critically and relates the lesson learnt to real life situations. 4. Refers dictionary in order to find meanings /spelling. | The students may be given an input wherein they see help being extended in any form and asked to find out the answers to the given questions. The students will be asked to use their observations for a classroom discussion on the theme ‘Being Human’. | Any one of the following. Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet, Quizzes-Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms. . |
2. | The Tiny Teacher (Supplementary) |
5 | April | 1. Enhances the reading skill. 2. Writes answers to inferential questions based on the text read. 3. Learns the art of Discussion and Debate. | Suggestive topics for Discussion: -Ants are friends of humans. -Ants are more hard working than humans. -Poisonous insects and animals are useless and should be killed. -Ants are more civilised than humans. |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475116015 6161922?contentId=do_3129 911221128724481196
| Any one or two of the following : Oral Class Discussions through Google Meet, Quizzes-Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms, Descriptive Tests, Projects. |
3. | Poem: The Squirrel | 3 | April | 1.Recites poems / songs in groups and individually with appropriate pause, intonation and pronunciation. 2. Convert poem into story and vice versa. | 1.Compose a story on squirrel and present it along with colourful pictures of squirrel. 2. Collecting information on – „Role of animals in producing new plants‟ |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475114164 2241730?referrer=utm_sourc e%3Dmobile%26utm_campa ign%3Dshare_content&conte ntId=do_3130852014609858 5612719 | Oral Class Discussions through Google Meet, Quizzes. |
4. | Prose: A Gift of Chappals | 5 | April | 1. Writes story from dialogues and dialogues from story. 2. Identifies details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/nontextual material | Students will be asked to write a diary on topics such as an incident when they were disrespectful and disobedient to someone. |
Sample paper questions related to real life experience. | Quizzes-Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms, Descriptive Tests |
5. | Writing Notice (Lost and Found) | 4 | April | 1. Responds to information from notice board, railway time table etc. 2. Acquires basic knowledge about the format & content. 3.Masters the skill of writing Notices for different occasions 4.Understanding the use of correct vocabulary. | Write a notice for school notice board on the topics such as „Lost a library book‟ And „A water bottle found in the School Campus‟ |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313005158957588 4801100?contentId=do_3129 94498323030016190
Questions from sample paper based on clues & pictures. | Discussion/PPT/Googl e Meet |
6. | Message Writing | 3 | April
| 1. Acquires basic knowledge about the format & content. 2 Masters the skill of writing „Messages.‟ 3.Understands the use of correct vocabulary. | 1.Write message on the topics designed by the teacher.
2.Role play | Newspaper images and Internet graphics/memes and JPEG or GIF images can be given as visual clues. | Discussion/PPT/Googl e Meet |
7. | Application | 3 | May & June | 1. Acquires basic knowledge about the format & content. 2. Masters the skill of writing applications. 3. Understands the use of correct vocabulary for formal writing. | Write an application to the Principal of your school for the change of section. | Questions from sample paper based on clues & pictures. | Discussion/PPT/Googl e Meet |
8 | Reported Speech | 5 | May & June | 1. Applies the concepts of grammar to convert direct speech into indirect and vice versa. | 1.Write dialogues and convert in reported speech | Listening to audios and converting them from direct to indirect. | Dialogues to convert into reported speech. |
9 | The Rebel | 2 | May & June | 1. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | 1.Activity: Tongue twister The students will be asked to create a tongue twister with the word ‘Rebel’. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475114164 2241730?referrer=utm_sourc e%3Dmobile%26utm_campa ign%3Dshare_content&conte ntId=do_3131425086717788 161157 | 1.Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet, 2. Quizzes- Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms. |
10 | Gopal And The Hilsa Fish | 5 | July | 1. Reads a variety of texts for pleasure. 2. Creates dialogues from a story and a story from dialogues. | The teacher will give clues of situations to the students in the class. They will be asked to prepare a comic strip at home based on the situation mentioned in their slip. |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475114164 2241730?contentId=do_3131 296500907868161522 | 1.Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet
Quizzes Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms. |
11 | Poem : The Shed | 4 | July | 1. Writes rhyming words and describe a shed in their own words. 2. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | In villages, there are houses having sheds used for various purposes. Identify such sheds and describe them. Use pictures, if required. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475114164 2241730?contentId=do_3131 2964575543296012171 |
Quizzes-.Multiple Choice Questions. |
12 | Bringing up Kari (Supplementary) | 5 | July | 1. Reads for pleasure 2. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts. 3. Finds meanings /spelling of words while reading and writing | 1.Create your own poem on “Elephants”. 2.Collect pictures of elephants doing different activities. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475116015 6161922?contentId=do_3130 79724790865920112066
| 1.Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet. |
13 | The Desert (Supplementary) | 5 | July | 1. Gets to know facts about deserts. 2. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. |
There are many fables about the desert, including Aesop‟s fable of “Truth and the Traveller.” Share a few fables with the class and have students make up their own fables. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475116015 6161922?contentId=do_3131 007003590737921899
Quizzes-.Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms, Descriptive Tests, Projects |
14 | Story Writing | 5 | July | 1.Learns the nuances of Story Writing and development of plot 2. Enhances Creativity | 1.Create a story board 2. Write a creative story | Reference books, practice papers. | Story with hints to elaborate |
15 | The Cop And The Anthem(Supplementa ry) | 4 | August | 1 Improves reading skills 2. Enjoys the pleasure of reading on one‟s own. 3. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. |
1.Make a chart with pictures from magazines related to police officers and their work. 2.Design a certificate and medal for a cop who does outstanding work. 3.Find 3 words to describe good police officers. | Real life experiences/ any moral story
| Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet, Quizzes- .Multiple Choice |
16 | The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom | 4 | August | 1. Identifies details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/non-textual material in order to demonstrate comprehension of text and sequencing skills. | The students may be asked to interview a person who, according to them, is very kind. They have to frame a questionnaire and get the answers. | Listening to the audios designed by the teacher | Projects |
17 | Paragraph- Description of a place | 2 | August | 1.Writes coherent and unified paragraph with a topic, sentence, support and concluding sentence; 2. Produces appropriate vocabulary and correct word forms; 3. Uses language as an effective tool of communication. | 1.Writing a paragraph with the given inputs. | Worksheet /pdf of paragraph writing format and examples | Paragraph question |
18 |
Tenses |
4 |
August |
1. Constructs meaningful sentences with a sense of grammatical accuracy. 2. Uses present, past, and future tenses with appropriate time markers. |
1.Write a story in past tense. 2.Write an account of your visit to a place keeping in mind the proper tense to be used. |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/con tent/do_31327269123887104 016038
Tense chart |
1.Fill ups 2.Change the tenses in the sentences designed by the teacher. |
19 |
Role Play |
3 |
August |
1. Understands characters 2.Learns dramatisation 3.Learns dialogue writing 4. Imbibes team work |
1.Enact a role from your Textbook |
NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE Verbal/visual cues Topics of students’ interest |
1.Speaking practice |
20 |
Reading Comprehension |
2 |
August |
1. Actively and critically thinks about what is happening in a text while reading it, in order to generate questions. 2.Answers their own and their peers‟ questions by connecting ideas, using background knowledge and further research |
CCT type Questions for practice |
Reference books |
Questions for test |
21 |
Listening |
3 |
August |
1. Responds to different kinds of instructions/requests/direct ions. 2. Identifies main ideas. distinguishes more important ideas from less important ones. 3. Learns strategies to take clear notes. 4. Identifies words and/or phrases related to the topic. 5. Draws inferences relying on the context. |
Listen to the Audio and answer the questions |
Listening to the audios from the recordings by the teacher. |
Playing audios and answering questions based on the audio tape. |
22 | Quality | 4 | September | 1.Thinks critically about characters, events, ideas, themes and relates them to life. 2.Participates in different activities in English such as Skit, elocution etc. | Students will prepare a print advertisement for any one product of their choice, stressing on its quality. [Hint: The teacher can ask the students to choose from various stationery items, chocolates or things of everyday use] | Ncert text books | Oral Classroom Discussions through google meet, Quizzes-Multiple Choice |
23 | Trees | 2 | September | 1.Enjoys the beauty of poetry 2. Identifies rhyming words 3. Reads tables, charts, diagrams and maps, and incorporates the information in writing in order to interpret them. | Activity: Making Mind Map The students will be asked to read the given samples and create a mind map, taking the key words from them. | Quizzes-Multiple Choice, Descriptive Tests, Projects |
24 | Golu Grows a Nose (Supplementary) | 4 | September | 1.Develops love for reading 2.Raises and responds to questions based on texts (from books or other resources). | 1.Ideas for Action Cut out an elephant from a piece cardboard and colour it. Stick a magnet behind it and your own Elephant Fridge Magnet is ready! |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475116015 6161922?contentId=do_3131 4877971397836812013
Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet |
25 | I Want Something in a Cage (Supplementary) | 3 | September | 1.Raises and responds to questions based on texts (from books or other resources) | 1.Ideas for Action Collect, paste, and label feathers of different birds on a chart paper. | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Oral Classroom Discussions. |
26 | BioSketch/Descriptio n of person/profile | 3 | September | Understands and analyses the personality traits of a person | 1.Write the bio-sketch of the given personality with the inputs given | Informative input about a family member | MCQ tests through Google Forms |
27 | Listening Activity | 3 | September | Develops listening skill | Listen to the audio and answer the questions that follow | Listening to the audios by the teacher | Asking questions related to the audio |
28 | Integrated Grammar Exercises-Editing sentences | 4 | September | 1. Applies the rules of grammar. 2. Uses meaningful and grammatically correct sentences to describe, narrate factual and imaginary situations. | 1.Gap filling 2.Editing 3.Jumbled words | https://forms.gle/GDv2QQKEZ3ThdgsL8
| Practice papers |
29 | Poem: Chivvy | 2 | September | 1.Enjoys the beauty of poetry 2. Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | 1.Activity: Let’s Transform The students will be asked to pick out any five commands from the poem and transform them into other kinds of sentences, namely, assertive, interrogative and exclamatory. |
https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475114164 2241730?contentId=do_3130 6802209087488019877 | Write about a real life experience . |
30 | Mystery of the Talking Fan | 2 | October | Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | 1.Activity: Sound Bites The students will be asked to find words associated with the sound made by the following: Utensils, leaves, birds, train, water, bells. [Hint: The teacher can give a few examples such as babies – babble, bangle | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Write a short story on your most exciting experience. |
31 | Paragraph | 2 | October | 1.Writes his/her views and opinions in a few words possible 2. Produces appropriate vocabulary and correct word forms; 3. Uses language as an effective tool of communication. | 1.Writing a paragraph with inputs given. 2.Write a paragraph using your own imagination | Worksheet /pdf of paragraph writing format and examples. Newspaper images and Internet graphics/memes and JPEG or GIF images can be given as visual clue | Written practice |
32 | Comprehension Passage | 2 | October | 1.Reads and interprets tables, charts, diagrams, maps etc. 2.Analyses about what is happening in a text while reading it, in order to generate questions.
3.Answers their own and their peers‟ questions by connecting ideas, using background knowledge and further research.
4.Reads with a question in mind, which requires students to skim and scan during reading. | 1.CCT questions for practice | Worksheet /pdf of comprehension format and examples.
Newspaper images and
Internet graphics/memes and JPEG or GIF images can be given as visual clue | |
33 | Expert Detectives | 5 | October | Identifies details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/non- textual material in order to demonstrate comprehension of text and sequencing skills. | 1.Let’s create something The students will be asked to collect pictures and information about famous personalities, known for their service to mankind or their nations. They will be asked to write a biographical paragraph which should include: 1. Introduction 2. Childhood 3. Achievements His/her contribution | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Projects |
34 | Invention of Vita Wonk | 3 | November | Infers meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context. | The students will be asked the following questions: 1. Have you ever wanted to grow old, quickly? Why/Why not? | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Oral Classroom Discussions through google meet, Quizzes- Multiple Choice Questions through google forms. |
35 | Poem: Dad and the Cat and the Tree | 2 | November | Recites poems in groups and individually with appropriate pause, intonation and pronunciation. | Self -confidence and your honest efforts can solve any problem of life.‟ Explain this statement with your real -life experiences | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Oral Classroom Discussions through Google Meet. |
36 | Chandni (Supplementary) | 3 | November | Thinks critically about situations, characters, events, ideas, themes and relates them to real life situations. | Discuss and Debate- Freedom is life. “Death in the open field is better than life in a small hut” is this the right decision | Debate | |
37 | Writing Recipes | 3 | November | Will be able to write with proper grammar(voices) | 1.Write a famous recipe of your Grandmother/Mother and tell the whole class | Use of texts from Mothers recipe books | Practice tests |
38 | Poem Recitation | 3 | November | Voice modulation/intonation | 1.Recite a poem that is not from your textbook | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Speaking practice |
39 | Comprehension | 3 | November | Understands and answers | CCT Practice | Examples based on real life, social issues | CCT Questions |
40 | Fire-Friend and Foe | 4 | November | Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | 1.Fire Act Description: The students will be asked to design a poster on ‘Fire Safety and Alertness’. | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Oral Classroom Discussions |
41 | Meadow Surprises | 3 | December | 1.Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar 2.Writes dialogues from a story and story from dialogues, poems, skits, comic strips, brochures, etc. in order to demonstrate creativity skills. | 1.Activity: Objects Perspective Choose any one object from nature and write 3 paragraph from the perspective of that object. Your paragraph should include: 1. Interesting introduction. 2. Daily routine of the object. 3. How does it feel about its life? You may write on trees, mountains, grass etc. | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Descriptive Tests, Projects |
42 | Letter Writing- Formal/Informal | 3 | December | 1.Application of Vocabulary used in writing Formal and Informal letters 2.Uses proper Format 3.Understands the Purpose of writing | 1.Write a letter to your Friend/father on the given topic 2.Write a letter to Superintendent Traffic Police/Municipal Commissioner | Questions from sample paper based on clues & pictures.
Newspaper images andInternet graphics/memes and JPEG or GIF. | Descriptive Tests. |
43 | Gap Filling | 3 | December | Application of Parts of Speech. | 1.Exercises for practice | Google Form Oral Tests | |
44 | A Bicycle in a Good Repair | 4 | December | Engages in conversations with family, friends, and people from different professions such as shopkeeper,salesperson etc. in English by using appropriate vocabulary and also learns vocabulary associated with various professions (e.g. cook, cobbler, farmer, blacksmith, doctor etc.) | Facing challenges The students will be asked to imagine a situation wherein their bicycle broke down and a stranger came to help them. They have to design a ‘Thank You’ card with an appropriate message for him/her. | Descriptive Tests, Projects | |
45 | The Bear Story (Supplementary) | 5 | December | 1.Reads for pleasure. 2.Identifies detail, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/non-textual material in order to demonstrate comprehension of text and sequencing skills. | Ideas for Action Make your own bear house. What are some basic tips for caring for a pet? | Descriptive Tests, Projects |
46 | Garden Snake | 2 | January | 1. Enjoys the beauty of poem 2. Answers questions orally and in writing on 3. Enjoys the beauty of poem Answers questions orally and in writing on a variety of texts – both, familiar as well as unfamiliar. | Activity: Helping Hands The students will be asked to identify any five animals, insects that they come across regularly and mention the ways in which they are useful to human beings | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Descriptive Tests, Projects |
47 | A Tiger in the House (Supplementary) | 3 | January | Identifies details, characters, main idea and sequence of ideas and events in textual/non- textual material in order to demonstrate comprehension of text and sequencing skills | A Visit to an animal Friend‟s House. You went to your friend‟s house and were surprised to see the animals sitting in his/her room. Write your experiences and feelingsyou had in your friend‟s room. Read aloud your answer in the class. | 1.Oral Classroom Discussions |
48 | An Alien Hand (Supplementary) | 3 | January |
Thinks critically about, characters, events, ideas, themes and relates them to life. | Any one of the following ideas for Action 1.Make a crossword puzzle of 8 words related to Mars, and ask your friends to solve it. 2. A painting of the Red Planet Now that you know enough about Mars, make a painting of the Red Planet. 3.Make a 3-D model of the Solar System using little balls of paper and chart paper | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Projects |
49 | Story Writing | 2 | January | 1.Understands characters. 2.Learns dialogue writing 3.Develops creativity | 1.Create a Comic strip 2.Complete the story looking at the picture | Giving hints from the textbooks and those from real life | 1.Discussion 2.Questions for writing |
50 | Speaking – Listening | 2 | January | 1.Speaks with proper pronunciation and modulation 2.Listens and comprehends | 1.Practice activities-listen to audio and answer 2.Speak on a given topic- Just a minute | Listening to the audios by the teacher | Questions and audio |
51 | Prose: The Story of Cricket | 6 | February |
1.Presents report on the evolution of cricket in India 2. Thinks critically about events, ideas, themes and relates them to life. | 1.Describing a person The students will be asked to make a collage on the well-known cricket players of the world and write a paragraph on their favourite cricketer. | NCERT TEXTBOOK OFFLINE AND ONLINE | Oral Classroom Discussions Quizzes- Multiple Choice Questions through Google Forms. |
52 | REVISION | 12 | February |
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