Split-up of Syllabus for Class 6
Sr No | Name Of The Chapter | No Of Period S | Mon Th | Tlo | Suggestive Activities | Resources | Assessment |
1. | Who Did Patrick‟S Homework? | 4 | April | 1. Learners would be able to develop Problem Solving Skills. 2. Learner‟s vocabulary would be enriched. 3.Skills Focused LSRW | 1. This story has a lot of rhyming words as a poem does. Write some part of it like a poem. 2. Word Attack. 3. Write dialogues from the story. 4.Dictation | https://www.macmillandict ionary.com/ https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Presentation/Quiz/Google Classroom |
2. | A House, A Home | 3 | April | 1. Learners would be able to differentiate between House and Home. 2. Recitation of the poem with correct stress and intonation. | 1. Draw a colourful sketch of your own House. 2. Make a list of things that you find in your house. | Practice questions from Diksha App https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Presentation/Quiz/Google Classroom/Collecting Information |
3. | A Tale Of Two Birds (Supplement Ary) | 3 | April | 1.To develop understanding that a company of good people matters a lot in shaping our character. 2. Use of imagination and creativity while narrating a story. 3. To promote habit of reading silently. | 1. Write a story on „Avoid Bad Company‟. 2. Summarise the chapter in your own words. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 89222401965 | True/False Difficult Words- Meanings MCQ/Class Test |
4. | Notice( Lost And Found ) | 3 | April | 1. Understanding the usage of notice writing. | 1. You have lost a wallet in the Cricket Ground of the | https://www.cbsesamplepa pers.info /cbse/notice- | Collecting information/ reading from the |
| 2. To use Present Tense and Future Time Reference correctly. | school. Write a notice explaining the features of the wallet and the reward. | writing-for-class-6 | magazines / newspapers. |
5. | Bridge Course | 10 | April & May | 1. Practising the grammar course and applying it in real life. | 1 .Solving the given excercises. | For Reference: Back To Basics | MCQ/ Google forms/Oral test |
6. | How The Dog Found Himself A New Master! | 5 |
| 1. Relates idea with personal experience. 2. Learner‟s vocabulary would be enriched. 3. Skills focused LSRW | 1.Make the noun using- ness, ty, y 2. Spell check 3. MCQ based Reading Passage. | https://ncert.nic.in/textbook .php https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 | Viva/MCQ, |
7. | The Friendly Mongoose (Supplement Ary) | 3 | June | 1. Learner will know about pet and their nature. 2.Learner‟s vocabulary would be enriched 3. To promote habit of reading silently. | 1.Draw or paste a picture of Mongoose. 2. Write a paragraph on „My Pet‟. 3.Staging a play based on the story. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 89222401965 | Oral Questions/Match the following/MCQ |
8. | Paragraph Writing | 2 | June | 1. Understanding the topic and use of appropriate vocabulary. 2. Writing a few sentences on a topic in coherent manner. | Example : Write a paragraph on 1. Importance of Trees 2. Importance of Newspaper 3. Books- Man‟s Best Friend |
| Collecting information/ Written tests/ practice papers |
9. | Grammar (Noun Forms) | 3 | June | 1. Proper usage of noun and its forms. | 1. Filling up the correct form of the noun in the sentences. 2. Usage of correct nouns in forming sentences. | MCQs /Oral Test/ Google Forms | |
10. | The Kite | 2 | July |
1. Word search
2. Recitation | 1. List out the action words in the poem. 2. Draw or make a kite with the help of origami sheet and | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 Cambridge Free English | MCQs /Oral Test/ Google Forms |
3. To make learners enjoy and comprehend a simple poem like this. | paste it in your notebook. | Dictionary and Thesaurus |
11. | Taro‟S Reward | 4 | July | 1. Learners would be able to learn good values in life and respect for the elders. 2.Skills focused LSRW | 1. Paste pictures of different waterfalls . 2. Role Play | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 | Google Forms MCQ/ OralTest/Quiz/Google Classroom |
12. | The Quarrel | 2 | July | 1. Recitation of the poem with correct stress and pronunciation. 2. Instil the aesthetic value of the poem. 3. Understanding the main idea of the poem. | 1. Share the recent quarrel that you had with your elder brother, sister or friend. How did you resolve it? 2. A scene can be written with dialogues and enacted. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ol lection/do_3127964552257 53600116705?referrer=ut m _source%3Dmobile%26ut m _campaign%3Dshare_cont ent&contentId=do_312795 72 2644701184110640 | Oral Questions/MCQ |
13 | An Indian- American Woman In Space: Kalpana Chawla | 5 | July | 1. Learner would be able to think about the career options. 2. Vocabulary enrichment. 3.Skills focused LSRW | 1. Write a paragraph on „The Aim of my life‟. 2 .Identify phrasal verbs and use them in sentences. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 664486411406 | Fill in the blanks/Oral Questions/MCQ |
14. | The Shepherd‟S Treasure (Supplementary) | 3 | July | 1. Learner would be able to learn the lesson of honesty, kindness from the shepherd‟s life. | 1. What have you learnt from the story? Write five points. 2. Create a short story taking inspiration from the chapter, ‘The Shepherd’s Treasure’. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/c ollection/do_31310347507 89222401965 | Class Test/MCQ/Match the following |
| 2. Narrating the story with real life situations. 3. To promote habit of reading silently. |
15. | Writing : Message Writing | 4 | July | 1. Learners will be able to write the message coherently and use the pronouns, verbs effectively. | 1. Ms. Sharma had called and dropped a message for your mother for the upcoming birthday party. Write a message in not more than 50 words for your mother as you have to go to play. | https://www.cbsesamplepape rs.info/cbse/message-writing- for-class- 6#:~:text=Message%20Writi ng%20for%20Class%206%2 0CBSE%20Practice%20Exa mples.,May%20I%20know% 20who%20is%20on%20the% 20line%3F | Writing tests/ Practice paper |
16. | Letter Writing : Formal : Leave Application | 4 | July | 1. Understanding the usage of formal language and vocabulary.
2 . Learning and practising format. | 1. Example: Write an application to the Principal of your school requesting for one day leave as you are not well. |
PPT, Self-created or other Online resources based on CBSE prescribed syllabus | Writing tests/ Practice paper |
17. | Beauty | 2 | August | 1 .Developing understanding on various aspects of beauty. 2. Instil the aesthetic values of the poem. | 1. Mention five things that you think are beautiful. 2. Write some other phrases on Beauty as given in the poem. | https://diksha.gov.in/ncert/ pl ay/content/do_313211870 9 529722881228?contentTy p e=Resource https://diksha.gov.in/play/c o ntent/do_31279569871264 9728110300?contentType=E xplanationResource |
Oral Questions/Google form Test |
18. | A Different Kind Of School | 4 | August | 1 .Reads and participates in activities in English such as role play, group discussion.
2. Learning the value of empathy. 3. Writing Slogans. | 1. Speaking: Discuss: Regular Schooling versus Home Schooling. 2. My Ideas to Improve Lives of Differently-Abled. 3. Conducting interview. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
19. | Where Do All The Teachers Go? | 2 | August | 1 .Loud recitation of the poem with stress and intonation. 2. Learner would be able to know the real meaning of the poem. | 1. Write a paragraph on „My Favourite Teacher‟. 2. Role Play. Imagine you are a teacher. Share your ideas what kind of changes would you require in school. | https://diksha.gov.in/ncert/pl ay/content/do_3130655602 07933440114447?contentT ype=LearningActivity | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
20. | The Old Clock Shop (Supplement ary) | 3 | August | 1. Remembering and retelling the story. 2. Creating own version of the story. 3. To promote habit of reading silently. |
1. Comprehension Passage based on compassionate stories. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
21 | Grammar : Verb Forms | 6 | August | 1. Usage of correct form of verb. | 1. Filling up the right form of the verb in the sentences. | https://in.ixl.com/english/clas s-vi | MCQs / Oral Questions |
22. | Tansen (Supplement ary) | 3 | September | 1.Story telling 2. Vocabulary enrichment 3. To promote habit of reading silently. | 1. Narrate a story from Akbar Birbal series with a moral. 3. Write a character sketch of Tansen. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/col lection/do_31310347507892 22401965 | MCQ/Difficult word Meaning/Oral Questions |
23. | The Wonderful | 2 | September | 1. Leaner would try to improve their vocabulary | 1. Find and write five wonderful words according to | https://www.bing.com/videos /search?q=the+wonderful+w | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Presentation |
| Words |
| as the poem focuses on the new words, ideas. 2. Instil the aesthetic values of the poem. | you. | ords&docid=6079913314167 76474&mid=9CD8F5834EE 9F9087FBF9CD8F5834EE9 F9087FBF&view=detail&FO RM=VIRE |
24. | Writing : Story Writing | 3 | September | 1. Usage of Past Tense and vocabulary words. | 1. Write a short story on the basis of clues given. |
| Writing tests/ Practice papers |
25. | Integrated Grammar (Editing, Gap Filling, Sentence Reordering) | 4 | September | 1. Understanding the right way to edit the incorrect sentences . 2. Using the words and verbs at right places in the sentence formation. | 1. Find the incorrect words and edit the sentences. 2. Re-order words to make meaningful sentences. | https://www.cbsetuts.com/cb se-class-6-english-grammar- editing-taskerror-correction/ | MCQS/ Google forms |
26. | Synonyms , Antonyms | 3 | September | 1. Enriching vocabulary. 2. Using similar/ opposite words in real life . | 1. Matching the correct synonyms and antonyms with each other. |
| MCQS/ Google forms |
27. | Who I Am | 3 | October | 1.Nominalization 2. Listening and speaking about your goal in life. 3. Speaking about one‟s strengths and weaknesses. | 1.Quiz 2.Compare and Contrast different kinds of skills they possess. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
28. | Fair Play | 4 | October | 1. Learning Team Work/Collaboration. 2. Appreciating the value of fair play. 3. Skills focused LSRW | 1. Role Play : Organize a class panchayat in real life situation. 2. Write and speak appropriate dialogues of a village panchayat in a classroom setting. | https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=G3FOCFjWA-c https://diksha.gov.in/play/co llection/do_3131034750766 4486411406 | True/False/ MCQ/Oral Test |
29. | The Monkey | 2 | October | 1. Learner will be able to | 1. Write a short story based | MCQ/Difficult Words- |
| And The Crocodile (Supplement ary) |
| October | differentiate between the good and bad person. 2. To promote habit of reading silently. | on the friendship and betrayal, taking inspiration from the chapter. 2.Narrate some tales from the Panchtantra. | tch?v=Zt2QDB4hfUQ https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 | Meanings/Oral Questions |
30 | Synonyms , Antonyms | 2 | November | 1. Using opposite words in real life . 2. Preparing the right vocabulary for same words. | Matching the correct synonyms and antonymns with each other. |
| Oral Test |
31 | Notice ( Lost And Found ) | 3 | NOVE MBER | 1. Understanding the usage of notice writing. 2. To use Present Tense and Future Time Reference correctly. | 1. You have lost a wallet in the Cricket Ground of the school. Write a notice explaining the features of the wallet and the reward. | https://www.cbsesamplepa pers.info /cbse/notice- writing-for-class-6 | 1 Collecting information/ reading from the magazines / newspapers. 2 Writing notice for School Notice Board (Lost/Found) |
32 | A Game Of Chance | 5 | November | 1. Narrating and recreating experience. 2. Writing a piece of extended composition. 3. Skills focused LSRW. | 1. Suppose you are Rasheed. Describe your visit to the fair. 2. Name the list of things that you think are lucky for you. 3.Organise a puppet show | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
33 | Vocation | 3 | November | 1. Learning life‟s lessons through nature. 2. Learner will be able to know about different professions. |
1. Name the different works done by the people in your neighbourhood and draw/paste pictures also. 2.Identify different vocations, spell and describe them | https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=hX7p6Lo6Vug https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 |
Referene To Context (VSA or MCQ) |
34 | What If | 3 | November | 1. Learner would be able to tackle the real life | 1. Write a poem of six lines taking inspiration from the | https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=8Covp4AN k https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll | Oral Questions, MCQ |
| November | fears. 2. To comprehend the moral given through the poem. | poem. 2.In groups discuss, share some more what ifs that you experience in your day to day life. | ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 |
35 | Grammar (Article) | 2 | November | 1. To enable learners understand the difference between the usage of a,an,the. | Filling the blanks with a,an,the. | https://in.ixl.com/english/clas s-vi |
MCQs / Fill ups |
36 | The Wonder Called Sleep | 3 | November | 1. Leaners will understand the importance of sleep. 2. Learner‟s vocabulary will be enriched. 3. To promote habit of reading silently. | 1. Write a paragraph on „Importance of Sleep‟. 2. Describe briefly the beautiful dream you ever had. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 |
MCQs/Fill in the blanks/True/False |
37 | Desert Animals | 4 | December | 1. Developing Understanding of desert life and desert animals. 2.Learner will connect to real life situations 3.Skills Focused LSRW. | 1.Draw or paste the picture of Snake, Mongoose, Camel. 2. Imagine you are journeying through desert . Write a couple of paragraphs describing what you heard and saw. | https://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=Nvnn182Wb5A https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 | True/False, Fill in the blanks, MCQ/Oral Questions |
38. | A Pact With The Sun (Supplement ary) | 3 | December | 1. Nutrition facts from General Science text book will be incorporated and recalled and incorporated. 2.Skills Focused LSRW | 1. Write a paragraph on „Healthy mind lives in a Healthy Body‟. 2. Make a collage on Balanced Diet. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 | MCQ True/False/Group Discussion |
39 | Letter Writing : Formal And | 4 | December | 1. Usage of grammar and | 1. Example: Write an application to the Principal of your school |
PPT, Self-created or other | Practice Papers/Written Tests |
| Informal |
| vocabulary. 2 .Understanding the difference in usage of vocabulary and format in both the types of writing . | requesting for issuing Transfer Certificate. 2. Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to your birthday party. | Online resources based on CBSE prescribed syllabus |
40. | Grammar : Prepositions | 4 | December | Correct usage of preposition. | 1. Use the correct prepositions in the blanks given. | https://in.ixl.com/english/clas s-vi | MCQs / Fill ups |
41. | What Happened To The Reptiles (Supplement Ary) | 4 | December | 1.listening and expressing points of view 2.Skills focused LSRW 3. To promote habit of reading silently. | 1. Students to stage a play showcasing inclusive education. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 | True/False/Fill in the blanks/Quiz |
42. | The Banyan Tree | 4 | Janu ary | 1 To understand importance of various creatures in ecological system. 2 To read effectively with stress and intonation. 3 To learn the art of story narration. | Create a story narrating your encounter with any wild animal. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475076644 86411406 | Google Forms MCQ/Oral Test/Fill in the blanks |
43 | A Strange Wrestling Match (Supplement ary) | 4 | Janu ary | 1 .Learner would be able to comprehend the plot of the story. 2.Skill focused LSRW 3. Thinking of the plot as a film or a series of connected images. | Imagine you are Vijay Singh. Write a diary entry describing your experience in the desert. | https://diksha.gov.in/play/coll ection/do_313103475078922 2401965 | True/False/Fill in the blanks / MCQ |
44. | Writing – Message, Paragraph Story Writing | 5 | Janu ary | 1. To enable the learners write grammatically correct sentences and use vocabulary appropriately. | Sufficient practice of message writing, paragraph writing and story writing to be done. |
| Writing short story based on the given inputs.
Write messages and paragraphs on different topics using meaningful sentences. |
45. | Unseen Passages | 5 | February | 1. Comprehending passage and its central idea. | 1. Students will find correct answers of the questions. | https://www.learncbse.in/uns een-passage-for-class-6/ | MCQs / Google forms |
46. | Integrated Grammar (Editing, Gap Filling, Sentence Reordering) | 4 | Febru ary | 1. Understanding the right way to edit the incorrect sentences . 2. Using the right words and verbs in the sentence formation. | 1. Find the incorrect words and edit the sentences. 2. Re-order words to make meaningful sentences. | https://www.cbsetuts.com/cb se-class-6-english-grammar- editing-taskerror-correction/ | MCQS/ Google forms |
47. | Grammar (Adverbs ) | 3 | Febru ary | 1. Usage of adverbs. | 1. Filling up the blank spaces with correct adverbs. | https://in.ixl.com/english/clas s-vi | MCQs/ Google forms |
48. . | Revision | 14 | Febru ary | To enable learners recall, revise, practice for SSE. | Revision of chapters and drilling of grammar items. Practice of writing section. |
| MCQs/ True false/ Fill in the blanks. |
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