Split-up of Syllabus for Class 6



S. No.

Chapter Name

Number Of Periods Required




Learning Outcomes


Suggestive Activities






Food: Where Does It Come From




1.Understanding the ingredients needed to make a food item.

2.Identify the sources of food ingredients

3.Understanding the edible plant parts in various plants

4.Identify the animals around on the basis of the food they eat.

1.Collection of recipes from different regions of India with pictures.

2.Community lunch: Make a snack like vegetable sandwich or sprout salad and list its ingredients and source of that ingredient.

3.Make a list of food items consumed in a week that are obtained from plants. Identify and draw the parts of these plants that are edible.

4.Make a list of animals found in the surrounding and

identify them as herbivore, carnivore and omnivore

●                     NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos

●                   Resources from home.

1.Questionarre and picture identification.

2.MCQs IN Google form including Assertion Reason type questions ,true/ false, fill ups etc.

3.Picture identification (show them a picture and ask questions)

4.  CCT based questions.


Compon ents Of Food



1.Knowing various types of nutrients present in food and their importance in the body.

2.Understanding the importance of a balanced diet.

3.Understanding the diseases caused due to deficiency of various nutrients

1.Identify the different components of food in different food items by testing with chemicals.

2.  Composing poems or songs highlighting the necessity of having a balanced diet.

3.  Record the food items eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner over a period of one week or make a balanced diet for a 12 year old child using locally available foods.

4.ROLE PLAY: assign nutrients to students and ask them to explain the disease caused due to their deficiency.

● NCERT textbook

●Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app


● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Questionarre and picture identification.

2.MCQs IN Google form including Assertion Reason type

questions ,true/ false, fill ups etc.

3.Picture identification (show them a picture and ask questions)

4.  CCT based questions.

5.Make a project titled nutrients and their functions.


4Sorting Materials into Groups.6+1(CCT)July

1.Enabling students to classify different types of objects depending upon the type of materials they are made from.

2.Enabling students to classify materials according to their properties.

1. Sorting buttons, pencils of different sizes/colours, balls of different sizes/colours.

2. Students are made to perform activity to identify substances as soluble, insoluble/ miscible/ immiscible in water.

3. Students group objects around them on the basis of transparency.

● NCERT textbook

●Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app


● YOUTUBE videos.

● Resources from home.


2.  MCQs IN Google form including Assertion Reason type questions, true/ false, fill ups etc.

3.Picture based questions

4.                  Activity based oral test


Separation of Substances7+1(CCT )July

1.Understanding the need and basis of various methods of separation of substances

2.Enabling students to apply the studied knowledge in daily life situations .

1.Students perform an activity to show sedimentation, decantation, sieving, winnowing, filtration done in homes

2.  Perform activity to separate sand and salt in

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app


● YOUTUBE videos.

● Resources from home.

 1.  Find the methods of separation from word maze.

2.Pictorial identification

3.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions


Changes Around Us



1.Enable the students to recognize the various changes around us.

2.Understanding the various changes around us and classify them as reversible and irreversible

1.Identification of types of changes and classify them as reversible and irreversible. 2.Burning a candle and observing the change.

3.List changes in your daily life and identify the changes that can be reversed and changes that can not be reversed.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app


● YOUTUBE videos.

● Resources from home.

1.  Pictorial identification

2.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.


4.Oral testing.




Getting To Know Plants



1. Identifying the various categories of plants.

2. Identifying and differentiating plant parts.

3. Identifying different types of venation in leaves .

4. Identifying different types of root systems found in plants.

5. Correlation of venation with the root system.

6. Identifying the reproductive part of the plant and studying its various parts.

1.                  Visit a garden and identify the plants as herb, shrub and tree.

2.                  Students should collect one specimen each of different types of venation and root system and find the relation between them and paste the same in herbarium file.

3.                  Collect the various types of flowers in your surroundings and identify their various parts.

4.                  Preparing herbarium file and pasting types of flowers

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.                  Puzzles

2.                  Oral tests

3.                  Pictorial identification

4.                  MCQs, Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

5.                  Project on making Herbarium


Body Movements




1. Enable the students to differentiate between bones and cartilage.

2. Identify and understand the type of joints and their movements in the body.

3. Identification of gait of animals.

1 Showing human skeleton

2. Students can get X-rays and the structure of bones can be

3. Making models of joints by using cardboard puppets and strings

4. To show the gait of different animals through youtube videos.

  • NCERT textbook
  • Resources from teachers
  • DIKSHA app
  • Resources from home.


2. Oral tests

3. Pictorial identification

4. MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.



The Living Organis ms And Their Surroundings



1.Identification of different types of habitats

2.  Identification of different components of environment 3.Understanding/identifyin g various adaptations to survive in its habitat

4. Understanding and knowing various characteristics shown by living organisms.


1.Picture activity- animals and their habitats.

2.  Role play- predator and prey.

3.Making models of habitats like desert, aquarium and mountainous regions.

4.Making a scrapbook on animals and their adaptations.

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.Puzzles 2.Oral tests

3.Pictorial identification

4.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.


Motion And Measur ement Of Distances



1.Understanding the progress and development in transport with time.

2.Understanding the need of standard units for measurements.

3.Knowing the way to measure the length of a curved line.

4.Identifying the types of motion

1.Students can narrate a family trip during vacations and identify modes of transport.

2.  Discussion with grandparents on the means of transport used by them and comparison to modern means of transport

2.Measure length of the table with the help of a hand span and then a scale; measure length of class room with help of foot steps and then a measuring tape.

3.Give individual activity to each student to measure the length of a curved line marked on their copy by the teacher and record the reading

4.Identifying different types of motion by miming games.

●   NCERT textbook

●Resources from teachers



● YOUTUBE videos.

●Resources from home.


2.Oral tests

3.Pictorial identification

4.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

11Light, Shadows And Reflections10+1(CCT)October

1.                  Enable the students to identify luminous and non luminous objects .

2.                  To identify Transparent, opaque and translucent objects from surrounding.

3.                  To make the students understand the formation of shadows.

1.Activity to show the rectilinear propagation of light.

2.  Role play through shadows/ showing different shapes by shadow of fingers

3.  To show the lateral inversion in plane mirrors

4.  To make a pinhole camera.

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

Resources from home.

1.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

2.  Project to measure the length of the shadow at different intervals of time.



Electricity And Circuits



1. Understanding the basic structure and working of an electric cell.

2. Understanding the structure of an electric bulb, identifying the poles on it and understanding the basics of an electric circuit,

3. Understanding the working and importance of an electric switch.

4. Identifying the conductors and insulators and understanding their uses.

1.Draw a diagram of an electric cell on your notebook labelling the terminals on it.

2.  Make an electric circuit using an electric cell, bulb , switch and wires.

3.  Experiment – making a simple electric circuit and testing conductivity of different materials using a simple electric circuit.

4.  Simple toys making using cell/battery

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

Resources from home.

1.  Project to make a conduction tester.

2.  Practical assessment

– Teacher will make a set up in classroom of an incomplete circuit or jumbled circuit (can take help from LA Physics). Student have to complete the circuit.

3. .MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.


Fun With Magnet



1.Identifying the magnetic and non magnetic materials and understanding the difference between the two.

2.Finding the poles of a magnet.

3.Understanding the working of a compass and the principle behind it.

4.understanding the phenomenon of repulsion and attraction in the same and opposite poles of a magnet.

1.Classify magnetic and non magnetic substances with the help of a magnet and activity to show the poles with the help of iron filings and a bar magnet.

2.Fun activity showing hanging needle at the bottom of a thermocol cup

3. Make a natural compass with help of a cork, water bowl and paper pin/making simple magnetic toys.

4. Make the needle a temporary magnet and record the procedure in a notebook.

5. Take two toy mini buses and tie bar magnets on them longitudinally. Now bring them closer on the same marked road. Note the readings in the notebook.

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.Puzzles 2.Oral tests

3.Pictorial identification

4.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

5.  Fill ups 6.True False





1.Knowing and identifying the sources of water.

2.Understanding the water cycle and replenishment of water to land, cloud formation and rain.

3.Understanding the concepts of floods and droughts.

4.Understanding the concept of rain water harvesting.

5.Understanding the importance of water and the need to conserve water.

1.Collect data about the local sources of water and paste their pictures in your notebook.

2.Make a poster or chart of the water cycle and display it in class.

3.Collect information about the floods and droughts that occurred in the last 5 years, their after effects and paste their pictures in note books.

4.Prepare a model (plastic or thermocol) of rain water harvesting or make a chart of methods of rainwater harvesting.

5. Poster making/slogan writing on conservation of water

6. Discussion on water conservation tips.

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.  Identify the source of water from the given pictures.

2.  Questionnaire on water cycle; regarding evaporation, transpiration, condensation.

3.  Assign an assessment project to students to collect information about the floods and droughts in India that occurred in the last 5 years with pictures and award grades/marks.

6. MCQs, Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

7. Fill ups 8.True False


Air Around Us



1.                  Understanding the presence of air around us and few of its properties.

2.                  Knowing the components of air and their uses.

3.                  Knowing the property of air to be dissolved in water and various organs present in aquatic and terrestrial animals to absorb oxygen.

4.                  Knowing and understanding the phenomenon of photosynthesis and

respiration and their inter dependence.

1.                  Perform the experiment “air is present in an empty bottle”

2.                    Group activity- Assign the individual students various gases and they will play the role of that gas by explaining their uses. (they will come together – call them air; they will separate then call them from the name of their assigned gas)

3.                  Make a chart about composition of air and percentage of different components .

4.                  Poster making on prevention of air pollution

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.Puzzles 2.Oral tests

3.Pictorial identification

4.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

5.  Fill ups 6.True False



Garbage In, Garbage Out



1.Identifying and understanding the problem of garbage and its solutions.

2.Knowing the technique of vermicomposting and its advantages.

3.Knowing and understanding the principle of 3Rs i.e. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

4.Understanding the uses, disuses, problems and benefits of using plastic

1.                  Collect pictures of methods of garbage disposal and paste on your notebook

2.                  Make a vermicompost at home to dispose of biodegradable substances.

3.                  Assign a project to make any article of use with discarded, non usable objects available at home.

4.                  Organize a debate in class on the topic “plastic boon or curse”

5.                  Making articles from paper mache.

●                   NCERT textbook

●                   Resources from teachers

●                   DIKSHA app

●                   KVS BLOG

●                   YOUTUBE videos.

●                   Resources from home.

1.Puzzles 2.Oral tests

3.Pictorial identification

4.MCQs , Assertion reason type questions and CCT based questions.

5.  Fill ups 6.True False










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