Split-up of Syllabus for Class 7


S. No

Chapter Name

Number of Periods


Learning Outcomes

Suggestive Activities




Nutrition In Plants




1.Students will learn and understand the various modes of nutrition in plants.

2.They will also learn about saprotrophs & how nutrients are replenished in soil.

3.Students will be able to describe parasitic modes of Nutrition.

ACTIVITY-1. Put a plant in the dark for 72 hours and test its leaf for the presence of starch with iodine and compare its result with the leaf of a plant kept in sunlight.

ACTIVITY-2:- water a piece of bread and put it in a warm place for 2 to 3 days and then observe it.

ACTIVITY-3:- Making a slide of stomata and observing it.

ACTIVITY-4:- Collecting a sample of cuscuta and discussion of its parasitic nature

NCERT Science Textbook for class 7th :- http://ncert.ni c.in/textbook/t extbook.ht m?gesc1= 1-18 https://ncert.n ic.in/textbook. php Laboratory Manual in Science for class 6- 8 :-

http://www.nce rt.nic.in/exempl ar/labma nuals.html https://ncert.nic

.in/exemplar- problems.php?l n=

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions


Nutrition In Animals




1.                  The students will learn and understand about different ways of taking food.

2.                  Students will understand Digestion in humans & animals.

3.                    The students will learn and understand about feeding and digestion in amoeba.

4.                    The students will be able to compare the digestion in amoeba and humans.

ACTIVITY-1:-Study the picture of human digestive system and understand various parts and their functions

ACTIVITY-2: Wash your hands. Look into the mirror and count your teeth. Use your index finger to feel the teeth.

ACTIVITY-3:- Testing effect of saliva on starch

 ● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

●  DIKSHA app

YOU TUBE videos

Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions


Fibre To Fabric



May – June

1.The students will understand and learn about animals that give us wool

2.The students will be able to describe methods of processing wool, life history of silk moth, sericulture and steps to obtain silk.

3.The students will be able to draw the diagrams for life history of silk worm

4.  Students will be able to identify wool, silk and synthetic fibres by burning

ACTIVITY-1:-Collect pictures of 6 to 10 animals whose hair is used as wool. Stick them in your notebook.

ACTIVITY-2:-Procure outline maps of India and the world.

Find out and mark the places on the map where you find animals(5 to 8 animals) that provide wool. Use different colours to denote the location for different wool yielding animals

ACTIVITY-3:- Burning fibre to test if natural or synthetic.

See the videos on the given links – https;//www.y putube.com/w atch?=G4Lt N4ZoYH4&feat ure+youtu.be ,

https://youtu.be/ hiX6EXie-Go , https://youtu.be/ ntDeQz7eb5A https://youtu.be/ sqKbgqFpwbo https://youtu.be/ b8rX5DRusNI https://ncert.ni c.in/textbook/p df/gesc10



1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions






1.                  The students will learn and understand about hot and cold and measurement of heat.

2.                  The students will know about the thermometer and its use to measure temperature.

3.                  The students will be able to understand the modes of transfer of heat and the kind of clothes which we wear in summer and winter.

4.                  The students will be able to apply the knowledge in daily life.

ACTIVITY-1:- Measure the body temperature of your family members with a clinical thermometer. Record your observations

ACTIVITY-2: Record the temperature of boiling water.

ACTIVITY-3:- Activity to be performed by students to show conduction.

ACTIVITY-4:- Show the process of convection by heating potassium permanganate.

ACTIVITY-5:- Make a paper spiral and observe the action of the spiral over a burning candle.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

●  DIKSHA app

YOU TUBE videos

Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions


Acids, Bases, and Salts






1.                  The students will learn and understand about acids, bases, and natural indicators.

2.                  Students will be able to classify the substances around them as acidic and basic

3.                  Students will develop interest in using indicators

available to them.

4.         Students will be able to explain the neutralization reaction and its importance.

ACTIVITY-1:-collect samples of lemon juice, orange juice, vinegar, curd, grapes, juice, sugar solution, common salt solution, amla juice and baking soda solution and observe their acidic or basic nature with

litmus paper.

1.  Using red cabbage juice as an indicator to test the acids and bases present in edible food items. Present your observation in the form of a table.

2.  Making a magic card with an invisible message.

3.  Bring the soil sample from your area and identify whether it is acidic or basic.

https://you.be/ KbXfczrKeZo, https://you.be/ r3hirz|WILM https://you.be/



you.be/mUNoA Bu6AdA

https://youtu.b e/14Mh3TQKLlo


https://ncer t.nic.in/pdf/ publication/ exemplarpro blem/classVI I/Science/ge


1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions

4.Students will be given to prepare turmeric paper


Physical And Chemical Changes





1.                  The students will learn and understand about physical and chemical changes

2.                  The students will be able to describe rusting of iron and crystallization.

3.                  The students will be able to correlate the knowledge in daily life.

ACTIVITY-1:- physical change & Chemical changes– Making shapes of paper, burning of Mg ribbon,

ACTIVITY-2:- Keep iron nails in tap water, salty water and in tap water with oil film on the top separately and observe the different rates of rusting.

ACTIVITY-3:-An activity to show reaction between iron and copper sulphate.

ACTIVITY-4:- Experiment based on crystallization of copper sulphate.

ACTIVITY-5: reaction of baking soda and vinegar to form volcano

https://y outu.be/ pQ24NAy

XoqQ https://y outu.be/ cnVom- b4A https://yo utu.be/9x aFPO4qn PA

https://youtu.be/G UOn9- KWMQI SELF- PRACTICE

https://nc ert.nic.in/ pdf/publi cation/ex emplarpr oblem/cla ssVII/Scie nce/geep


1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions



Weather, Climate And Adaptation of Animals To Climate




1.The students will be able to know about weather and climate

2.  Students will be able to describe the elements of weather.

3.  Students will be able to differentiate maximum and minimum temperature

4.  Students will be able to correlate the adaptive features of the animals with their habitats.

Activity1: To measure the level of rainfall with the help of a rain gauge.

Activity 2: To collect the information of weather in a particular area for 15 days. Make a report on weather

Activity 3: Mark polar regions in blue and tropical regions in red on map of the world

Activity 4:-. Make a photo album consisting of pictures of animals of rainforests and those of polar regions.

https://ncert.ni c.in/textbook/p df/gesc10 7.pdf https://youtu.be/ CYjxSV0fdTA https://youtu.be/ otRyHC6FseU https://youtu.be/ 1ER_MwVl_AI https://youtu.be/ B3XeL7Nczjw SELF-


https://nc ert.nic.in/ pdf/publi cation/ex emplarpr oblem/cla ssVII/Scie nce/geep


1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions


Winds, Storms And Cyclones

6+1 (CC T)


1.                  Students will be able to understand the phenomena “Air exerts pressure”

2.                  Students will be able to understand the properties of Air and formation of tornadoes.

3.                  Students will be able to co relate the studied knowledge with daily life.

4.                  Students will be able to differentiate tornado, cyclone and thunderstorms.

Activity 1: To prove that air exerts pressure with the help of heating a can of water.

Activity 2: To show that high speed winds are accompanied by reduced air pressure with the help of balloons and paper strips.

Activity 3: To prove that air expands on heating with the help of boiling tubes and balloons.

Activity 4: Make a model of an anemometer.

http://ncert.nic.in/ textbook/textbook

.htm?ge sc1=8-19 , https://nroer.gov.i n/55ab34ff81fccb4 f1d8060

25/file/585b5a9b4 72d4af21c54d7d5 https://nroer.gov.i n/55ab34ff81fccb4 f1d8060

25/file/569a09d68 1fccb15fb220f5e https://ndma.gov.in



https://ncert.nic.in/ pdf/publication/exe mplarproblem/class VII/Science/geep10


1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions







1.       Students will be able to know about the soil and soil profile.

2.                  Students will be able to differentiate between different types of soil on the basis of textures and size of particles.

3.                  Students will be able to calculate the percolation rate of water in the soil.

4.                  Students will be able to apply the studied knowledge in daily life.

ACTIVITY-1:-To show soil contains air

ACTIVITY-2:-Experiment to show that soil contains water.

Activity 3: Calculate the percolation rate of water in the given sample of soil.

Activity 4: To calculate the amount of water absorbed in the given sample of soil.

Activity 5: Write an essay explaining reasons and remedies of soil erosion

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form

tests,assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.

4.  Puzzle


Respiration In Organism




1.The students will learn and understand about respiration, breathing mechanisms in humans, animals and plants.

2.  Students will be able to correlate the breathing rate and the physical exercise.

3.  Students will be able to explain the breathing mechanism

ACTIVITY-1:- Experiment to show that CO2 is released during aerobic respiration.

ACTIVITY-2:-Count and find the breathing rate. 

ACTIVITY- 3-Observe the effect of breathing on chest size.

ACTIVITY-4:-Prepare a model to show the mechanism of breathing.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.

4.  Project to prepare a model to show the

mechanism of breathing.


Transporation In Animals And Plants




1.  Students will be able to know about the composition and function of blood .

2.  Students will be able to differentiate the arteries and veins .

3.  Students will be able to draw the diagram of the human heart and excretory system.

4.  Students will be able to explain the process of transpiration..

5.  students will be able to apply the studied knowledge in their daily life .

ACTIVITY-1:- – Make a model of a stethoscope. 

ACTIVITY-2:-Find heartbeat and pulse rate. 

ACTIVITY-3:- Find out about different blood groups and their importance.

ACTIVITY-4:-An activity showing transportation of water in a stem. system by using chart or video

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.

4.  project to prepare a stethoscope from the martial locally available.


Reproduction In Plants




1.  The students will learn and understand about modes of reproduction.

2.  Students will be able differentiate sexual and asexual reproduction.

3.  Students will be able to explain the formation of fruit and seed .

4.  Students will be able to describe pollination and seed dispersal.

3.  Students will understand the methods of propagation and apply them in their kitchen gardens

ACTIVITY-1: – Demonstration vegetative reproduction in potato and bryophyllum leaf.

ACTIVITY-2:- Demonstration of sexual parts of the flower by dissecting the mustard flower.

ACTIVITY-3:– Propagate plants like potato, onion, mint, rose vegetative at home.

ACTIVITY-4:– Collect various types of fruits, split them open and examine the seeds

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.


Motion And Time




The students will learn and understand about the type of motion.

2.  Students will be able to describe speed, measurement of time.

3.  Students will be able to represent data of time and distance on a graph.

4.  Students will be able to solve numerical problems on the basis of speed time relation.

ACTIVITY-1:– To measure the time period of a simple pendulum.

ACTIVITY-2:– By using a time measuring device available in your house (clock, wristwatch or mobile) measure time required for different daily life activities. For example, while cooking rice, pulses, filling one bucket of water, the time taken by a fan to completely come to rest after it is switched off

ACTIVITY-3:– Measurement of speed by walking and running by the students.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.

4.  Numerical on the basis of calculation of speed , frequency and time period.


Electric Current And Its Effects




1.The students will learn and understand about symbols of electric components.

2.  Students will be able to explain the heating and magnetic effect of electric current.

3.  Students will be able to describe electric fuse and its applications.

4.  Students will be able to draw the diagram of an electric bell.

ACTIVITY-1:- To make an electric circuit using wire, cell and bulb

ACTIVITY-2:- To make an electromagnet,

ACTIVITY-3:-Make four electromagnets with 20, 40 and 60 turns. Connect them one by one with a battery of 2 cells.

Compare the strengths of the electromagnets.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.






1.The students will learn and understand about rectilinear propagation of light

2.  Students will be able to describe reflection of light, characteristics of the image formed by plane mirror, lateral inversion.

3.    Students will be able to identify the spherical mirrors and lens.

4.Students will be able to understand the image formation by lens and mirrors.

5.  Students will be able to explain the process of dispersion of light.

ACTIVITY-1:-To show

images formed by convex and concave lenses and mirrors.

ACTIVITY-2:-Activity to dispersion of sunlight by prism( Making Newton‟s disc)

ACTIVITY-3:-Observe different types of image formation using steel spoon(from inner and outer side of spoon).

ACTIVITY-4:- Make a

rainbow on a bright sunny day using hose pipe.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.

4.  Project to prepare periscope and Newton Disk.


Water: A Precious Resource




1.The students will learn and understand about availability of water, ground water, distribution of water, water management, role for water saving and forms of water.

2.  Students will be able to explain the importance of water for plants and the environment.

ACTIVITY-1:-Collect clippings from newspapers and magazines on the news items, articles and pictures related to water shortage. Paste them in your copy and share it with your friends. List some problems faced by the people and discuss them in the class.

ACTIVITY-2:-Mark the distribution of water in various states of India on a map.

ACTIVITY-3:-Design a poster with slogan depicting „Save Water‟

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

http://www.rai nwaterharvesti ng.org

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.


Forest Our Lifeline




1.  Students will be able to define the terms like canopy , crown ,understory etc.

2.  Students will be able to know about the importance of forest in our daily life and for the animals also.

3.  Students will be able to describe the role of forest in bringing rainfall.

4. Students will be able to explain the role of decomposers in the forest.

Activity 1: Try to recognize various types of trees , shrubs and herbs.

Activity 2: To list various products we get from forest.

Activity 3:

a)To collect different kinds of seeds or hard fruits like nuts.

b)Collect and paste the pictures of trees having different types of crowns.  c)Make a poster showing negative impacts of deforestation.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.



Waste Water Story




1.  The students will be able to understand the waste water.

2.  The students will be able to know the need and importance of cleaning the water.

3.  Students will be able to list the steps involved in the treatment of water.

4.  Students will learn better housekeeping practices.

5.  Students will be able to co relate sanitation with diseases.

Activity1: Construct the cross word puzzle of your own using the keywords.

Activity 2: To study the drainage system of your locality.

Activity 3: Discuss with grandparents and other elderly people in your neighborhood about sewage disposal systems of olden times.

● NCERT textbook

● Resources from teachers

● DIKSHA app

● YOUTUBE videos

● Resources from home.

http://www. un.org/water

forlifedecad e/

1.Google form tests, assignments, projects, viva.

2.Assertion reason based questions.

3.  CCT based questions.







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