November 2023

Quiz on Bhasha Diwas

Quiz on Bhasha Diwas Attempt a Quiz and Get a Certificate Loading… Disclaimer: All contents are collected from various sources and updated at this platform to help teachers and students. If content owner (Original Creator) have any objection, Please mail us to with ID Proof, content will be removed/credited. Thanks and Regards Click Here

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Thoughts for Morning Assembly October 2023

सुविचार / Thoughts Join Our WhatsApp Group हिंदी 31.10.2023 “एकजुट रहें। पूरी विनम्रता के साथ आगे बढ़ें, लेकिन अपने अधिकारों और दृढ़ता की मांग करते हुए, आपके सामने आने वाली स्थिति के लिए पूरी तरह से जाग्रत हों।” – लौह पुरुष सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल  “हमने ईमानदारी से और निश्चित तरीके से अपनी कमजोरियों को

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Words for Morning Assembly October 2023

शब्द / Words Join Our WhatsApp Group 11 November 2023 English Word 1: Raconteur (Noun) Meaning: a person who is skilled at telling stories in an interesting way हिंदी अर्थ: मज़ेदार कहानियां सुनाने वाला Use in Sentence: She is a brilliant raconteur and children love her company. Synonyms: storyteller, narrator, anecdotist Antonyms: listener, audience, hearer

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