Prayer Program

NEWS for Morning Assembly – May 2024

समाचार / NEWS Join Our WhatsApp Group Join Our WhatsApp Group 30 May 2024 English International 1.Indian peacekeeper to be honoured posthumously with prestigious U.N. medal for sacrifice in line of duty.2. Nawaz Sharif says Pakistan ‘violated’ agreement with India signed by him and Vajpayee in 1999. Click Here for Quiz National 1. Parmeshwar Funkwal […]

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NEWS for Morning Assembly – April 2024

समाचार / NEWS Join Our WhatsApp Group Join Our WhatsApp Group 30 April 2024 English International 1.Geneva-based UN-related body to review India’s human rights accreditation status this week.2. Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar appointed as Deputy Prime Minister.3. Nepal a suitable destination for investment, says PM Prachanda as he opens investment summit. Click Here for

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Words for Morning Assembly – March 2024

शब्द / Words Join Our WhatsApp Group 30 March 2024 English Word 1: Bizarre (adjective) Meaning: very strange or unusual हिंदी अर्थ: विचित्र या असामान्य Use in Sentence: I found the whole situation very bizarre. Synonyms: weird, freakish, peculiar Antonyms: normal, serious, regular Word 2: Discerning (adjective) Meaning: able to recognise the quality of something

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Thoughts for Morning Assembly – March 2024

सुविचार / Thoughts Join Our WhatsApp Group हिंदी 30.03.2024 “महान कार्य करने का एकमात्र तरीका यह है कि आप जो करते हैं उससे प्यार करें।” – स्टीव जॉब्स English “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” – Abraham Lincoln Click Here for Quiz Click Here for AKAM and EBSB Activities All

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Special Items for Morning Assembly March 2024

विशेष कार्यक्रम / Special Program Join Our WhatsApp Group 30.03.2024 National Doctors Day All around the world, Doctors’ Day is celebrated, as we all recognize the contributions that physicians make in the community and to individual lives. Some countries will celebrate Doctors’ Day on a different date, yet all nations make sure that those in

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Words for Morning Assembly – February 2024

शब्द / Words Join Our WhatsApp Group 29 February 2024 English Word: Flimflam Meaning: nonsense, foolishness (बकवास)  Use in Sentence: I am tired of his casual attitude and flimflam. Word: Beauteous Meaning: very attractive to look at (अलबेला, सजीला) Use in Sentence: She is very powerful, with a beauteous appearance masking a fearsome treelike form.

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Words for Morning Assembly – January 2024

शब्द / Words Join Our WhatsApp Group 31 January 2024 English Word 1: Florid (Adjective) Meaning: having too much decoration हिंदी अर्थ: अत्यधिक अलंकरयुक्त Use in Sentence: Her florid complexion is a natural result of her healthy lifestyle. Synonyms: baroque, ornate, sonorous Antonyms: plain, un ornate, pale Click Here for Quiz Click Here for AKAM

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Thoughts for Morning Assembly – January 2024

सुविचार / Thoughts Join Our WhatsApp Group 02.03.2024 हिंदी उठो, जागो और तब तक नहीं रुको जब तक लक्ष्य ना प्राप्त हो जाये। – स्वामी विवेकानंद English Even nature adapts itself to a person, who is dedicated to his work and where ‘Give up’ doesn’t exist.   – Mahatria Ra Click Here for Quiz All Subjects

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